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This is a question Off Topic

Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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/open dialogue
Hello. I'm new here.

Is this a forum where everyone hates each other?

/await response
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 16:43, 13 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
it's a forum where everyone who posts is a cunt.

You cunt.

In the nicest possible way of course.
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 16:47, Reply)
? que
What happened? When I left everyone was lovely. Why have we been hijacked??
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 16:49, Reply)
No everyone here is lovely
The place to post is the Home Sweet Home thread, although it is often very quiet on a weekend.
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 16:52, Reply)
Hello mrs bin
hello weekirst, How are you both?
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 16:55, Reply)
no no
just having a bit of a wobble by the looks of it!
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 17:06, Reply)
I was told question of the week would be fun and talk would be full of nasty people. It looks like the other way round from here.
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 17:29, Reply)
/talk is ok
I like it over there.

As for Off Topic, have a look back through the pages to get an idea of what goes on here. We're alright really.
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 17:34, Reply)
robot: You are my new favourite poster
and I smell sock puppetry too.
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 17:34, Reply)
Chart Cat.

What do sock puppets smell like? Feet?
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 18:27, Reply)
We don't hate each other, only the tuncs.
Are you a tunc?

Talking of puppetry, has anyone seen the "puppetry of the penis" guys? I'm intrigued enough to go have a look, in a drive-by rubber necking kinda way.
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 18:32, Reply)
*welcomes robot*
hello. I think we are mostly friendly beasts here.
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 19:33, Reply)
Welcome to QOTW OT Robot
* gives out the hug of welcoming *

Oh, don't worry about Al, he just pretends to be a great big girl's part on the Internet.
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 19:40, Reply)
I lurch
Into the off-topic pen of the B3TA Safari Park on occasion, dependent upon how busy I feel compelled to look at work.

You're not quite a Seal cast into the Polar Bear pen. You're more like a Gazelle (or possibly a Bongo) in the Zebra and Giraffe pen.

Can you cope with being a Gazelle?
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 20:39, Reply)

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