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Saw this, and thought of all of you
A funny website for girlfriends of bankers, at first thought it was a wind up




Enjoy ;-)
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 10:21, 8 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I do wonder how these bankers get to this state
A friend of mine was laid off from Lehman Brothers. Now this was cause for a bit of a panic: he'd not been there very long, and, being Russian, needed to find another job pronto which would offer him a work visa, lest he be deported back home.

This could have been really quite tragic as his girlfriend, who is Vietnamese, was due to return to the UK about the same time his visa would have run out. (They're a really lovely couple, and the idea of them being separated in this fashion seemed unbearable to the rest of us)

So what did he do? Did he get drunk and disappear? Did he take it out on his friends? Did he swallow any drugs he could find and spend an amphetamine-fuelled 24 hours onanising continuously over whatever sordid filth the interweb could provide?

No. He came to the pub that night with us, got up the following day and applied left, right and centre for any jobs similar to the one he'd just lost. Two weeks later, he'd been offered a job - by the sound of it, a better job at that, and probably more secure. And, if his luck holds out and this company doesn't fall through, he'll get to stay in this country, which is one thing he dearly wants. Perhaps this may be down to good fortune, but I suspect it owes a lot to his determination and perseverance.

Whinging bankers take note.

EDIT: And is it bad that I'm really tempted to troll the comments on that site?
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 11:09, Reply)
everyone in that story
sounds lovely. I feel awful for them.
(I mean the NYT story)
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:20, Reply)
I'd posted the nyt article as the dabagirls link on its own just looks like a wind up.

As someone who was in a job where constant stress was affecting my life in serious ways i feel so sorry for all the people who can see no way out (mine was to just quit with no other job to go to, the sense of relief was unbeliveable)

On a lighter note i remembered this


(how fucked up?)

And for some light relief if you are stressed/bored

edit @ sc, hope your mate makes it, sounds like he's got a spine!
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 12:43, Reply)
This one made me lol the mostest:
Whiney ass socialite bitch getting dumped:

“Princess, we need to talk. How do I explain this? You are a costly investment. During better economic times, I was happy to spend a little extra to buy American, but now we are all being forced to make tough decisions and, well, bottom line: I can quite literally get more bang for my buck if I invest with a foreign model instead. Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you?”
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 13:08, Reply)
They can fuck right off.
'Oh noes! I was going out with a rich banker and he lost his job, so I've dumped him because he won't be able to buy me designer shoes any more!'

If you're with someone then it's for thick and thin, their salary shouldn't make a blind bit of difference.

If you're the sort of whinging spoilt Ivy League educated bint that only gets together with someone because they're rich, don't come crying to me when he loses his job.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 13:49, Reply)
in fairness
the 'relationships' those 'people' have are perfect. The gold digger uberspending women who no real man would ever want to be associated with get the rich banker type that no real women would want to be associated with. Let them get on with it I say. However, it is quite funny watching them flounder about. Lets see what happens.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 14:35, Reply)
*agrees with I have run out of coke*
I am quite happy to let them fuck each other physically and otherwise. It keeps them from bothering normal human beings like us.
(, Wed 28 Jan 2009, 15:12, Reply)
I have to agree with coke and BGB
even though my first thought was that they need to rename their group SLS (Spoiled Little Shits).
(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 3:09, Reply)

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