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Saturday's thread
Just in case you're not going to the York bash, here's the place to chat.

Home Sweet Home
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 9:28, 66 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Today I'm Photoshopping and web-siting til this afternoon, then going into MK tonight. Happy days.

Shame about not making it to York though - I was looking forward to it.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 9:54, Reply)
Mr Nong
I am hungover, spent last night in someone else's bed but came home early and got into my own bed... where I now recline with my electric blanket, warm cheese scones and Supertramp.

I too am sad that I missed out on going to York, but (apart from the hangover) my second best day is as good as it gets :)
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 10:38, Reply)
I too am not making it, decided to spend another weekend in Scotland.

Having a lovely time and have been out for a nice lunch with tulip a few times this week:)
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 10:40, Reply)
morning all
I can't come to York as I have been theatrenapped.

But the microbashes this week made up for it :)
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 10:47, Reply)
Am now making my way to York
This bash probably has the most dropouts of any bash ever. Gah! :'-(

There needs to be another bash for those who didn't make it!

Oh well, there's still plenty of b3tans left.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 10:56, Reply)
Morning all
I am also not in York for it is far away (well, not that far, but too far to walk).

Can anyone tell me what

"All the cut will be absorbed by it been a dog."

is about? I've seen it in a few places on the main board now and it appears to be a meme but the main board scares me with all the crude ruffian types so I don't want to ask there for fear of being mocked as out of the loop and it's possible I've had too much coffee so far this morning.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 11:05, Reply)
Don't let the main board scare you
They're top over there. Try using the search to find references to it.

(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 11:16, Reply)
Good morning, just...
....firstly, let me pimp my post:


There we go and secondly, I hope everyone is doing ok. I'm off to town, hope there's some people to talk to when I get back!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 11:17, Reply)
seems it was a comment on a picture that grabbed the attention of a few people and get memed.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 11:21, Reply)
Well, if we're whoring
I posted a link to a funny picture on the links board.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 11:23, Reply)
I am now on the train to York
To those who are going, see you there.

To those not going, * hugs *

(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 12:10, Reply)
Hi Y'all
how's everyone going???
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 12:42, Reply)
I don't think we've had the pleasure. I am now on a train heading north.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 12:48, Reply)
if only I was on a plane heading in a northeasterly direction - then catching a bus to the train station - then catching the train to York.

Then I could be there too. But I'm not.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 12:49, Reply)
I just had
a bit of an accidental bout of cleaning mildew off my walls.

But don't worry, it wore off, and I'm back in bed now. I even have a mug of Horlicks. I'm thinking about installing Unreal Tournament and perhaps applying some decoupage to my nails. Oh my washing machine just made a bad noise... :(
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:04, Reply)
So far you have the best excuse for not coming. How's the other side of the planet doing?
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:05, Reply)
is also on the other side of the planet.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:06, Reply)
The other side of the planet
is in full darkness. But I'm awake!! :D

I had work tonight. it was very boring.
What's it like on the train? I haven't been on a train in fucking AGES.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:06, Reply)
Hey Fuzzy
Is this Unreal tournament 3? I keep meaning to instal it myself. Perhaps we could have a game online. In fact, does anyone else have ut3 installed?
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:13, Reply)
is very scary.

*feeling overwhelmed*

And no I don't have UT3 *sads*
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:17, Reply)
@ Mista
No it's Totally Unreal... I've had it for years and completed it, but I haven't played it for ages and just have the urge to blow some bots to fragments.

Give everyone in York a hug from me. Well not everyone. Just the Bashers :)
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:22, Reply)
do I get a hug for being stuck on the other side of the planet???
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:28, Reply)
@tlic: wff is on this side of the planet. She posted before I replied to vc. Posting from an iphone is cumbersome.

@vc: nowadays we have free wifi on the train, and a socket to recharge my iPhone. I still prefer trains on the Continent. In the west, they're faster. In the east, they're more Sociable.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:30, Reply)
Ah yes
@spakka: That's not paying attention for you.


Ooh, something on the links board is causing Firefox to crash. :(

I wanted to post my childish giggle at sports pictures that look naughty.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:36, Reply)
aha jealouuuussss
Our trains are old, outdated, and shit.

EDIT: LiC - you're making me giggle at naughty pictures. damn you. I love it.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:39, Reply)
@ Vamp
Of course you do *huggles*

We'll have an Antipodean bash if we can all come and stay at yours :)

I just wikied Antipodes, and I learned something new.
Assuming the article had not been corrupted by b3tans.
Btw does anyone know if Miasma's edit is still there?

Mista, I went on a train a couple of weeks ago - first time I've been on a train for ages, and it amazed me how many people had laptops. They were mostly looking at people on facebook. They could have all talked to each other instead couldn't they?
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:42, Reply)
If this is Unreal Tournament from 1999 I just might have a copy lying around. I just hope it still works on Vista. I used to play it in the office with my workmates back in the day.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:42, Reply)
There is a campsite literally a mile away from where my house is. And that campsite is right next to the beach. And that beach is perfect for night swimming and getting drunk.
However it would be a BYO for alcohol. And my parents would be scared if lots of b3tans came to my house. I just know they'd shit their pants about it. :P
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:44, Reply)
I've just dug out my UT cd
We used to play it in the office too. You didn't used to work for West Midlands Ambulance Service, did you?
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:45, Reply)
Hey fuzzy!
Looks like we've all jumped ship from the bash!

You still off the smokes? *hugs*

Hey spakka and vc! *waves, floridly*


and LiC
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:47, Reply)
just listening to Fighting Talk on 5.

"Beckham's autobiography - Three Lions, The Witch and Her Wardrobe".
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:48, Reply)
Keloid! I wasn't expecting to see you here - I thought you were in york too!

/waves happily
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:49, Reply)
Hiya BK
What you up to today?
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:51, Reply)
No, was planning to originally, but have been up in Scotland visiting folks and having lunch with happylittletulip on a few occasions so decided to stay for an extra weekend.

*edit* @LiC
Just milling about really, got The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruis Zafon to finish off (it's very good), and then I'll head up to my Auntie's in a bit.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:52, Reply)
Sounds like fun!
far more entertaining then my weekend haha.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:54, Reply)
Really, you must have a dull weekend planned!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:56, Reply)
*saunters in*
Ooooh, hello...
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:57, Reply)
It's 12:57 am sunday morning.
Friday night - I worked and then talked to you guys.
Saturday Night - same thing.
Today is my last day of holidays. I go back to school tomorrow :(

EDIT: Hi tulip!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 13:58, Reply)
Oh noes! I'm back to work Wednesday. Could do without it to be honest.


Come over; lets do lunch again!
I'm still remembering the haggis and clapshot from yesterday! Noms!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:01, Reply)
what is clapshot? sounds like something you'd get for a disease? lmao
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:02, Reply)
Good afternoon, all!
I'm back from my run, how goes it?

Let me just pimp my post again:


Why so quiet here?
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:03, Reply)
cos everyone's off to York
and I should probably go to bed.
i'm tired now :(
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:05, Reply)
Clapshot is a mix of swede and cabbage, I think. Or that's what it looked like on the plate.

Pity the service at the restaurant was so shit. Posh, ignorant bastard waiters.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:05, Reply)
Hello VC, Beekers
@Beekers - you know I'm at work and can't escape!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:06, Reply)
I know, I'm trying to tempt you in roguish fashion!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:07, Reply)
Did I do something?
Why is no-one talking to me? Did I kill a puppy in a previous life?
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:12, Reply)
Noon peeps
I've just eaten, I'm snuggled on the sofa with my duvet and... The Neverending Story on the tv!

Edit: *rolls eyes*
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:13, Reply)
Hey Stig!
Maybe you did.

I kill kittums a lot in this life!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:13, Reply)
I already read your post. It made me giggle. I clicked.
I just didn't reply cos I've never seen you before.
Now I have.
Now we've met. Now I'm going to bed before I pass out.

@everyone Night all! Love you lotses!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:16, Reply)
See ya, VC.
BK, I hate kittens. I'd kill them now, if I had a chance.

Always been a dog fan. One day, I'll own a Boxer, a British Bulldog and a Black Labrador!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:31, Reply)
Am now at my guesthouse and will be heading to the bash
* throws lifejacket in the direction of those who didn't make it *
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 14:35, Reply)
@ Boss (if you're still here)
Yep, it's been four weeks. Go me! Now I just have to wean myself off my substitute addictions.

Mista, I don't think it is, but it's hard to tell. It says it is "Unreal, Unreal Tournament and Unreal Mission Pack".
My bro is a software developer and in his building he set up one of the company computers as a server solely for Unreal Tournament. Excellent work ethic I think you'll agree.

Hello Stig, and everyone else who arrived since I last posted.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 15:01, Reply)
Lo fuzzy!
I gave up on Neverending Story and I'm watching Road Trip. There's considerably more breasts than I remember :)

Work still keeping you away, fuzzy?
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 15:19, Reply)
@ Fuzzy!
Yay! Good going.

Mine is 4 weeks tomorrow:)

Been drinking way too much as a substitute, and scoffing anything I can find.
I'm going to get fat!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 15:23, Reply)
Hi fuzzy
I'm listening to the football on internet radio and playing solitaire. Might grab a cup of tea at halftime. Woohoo!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 15:24, Reply)
Nicotene cravings feel almost identical to hunger. Try to stick to three meals and an occasional snack, and notice the cravings you have when you know you don't need to eat.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 15:32, Reply)
@ No3l
Ah well; it's all healthy food I'm eating and I'm fairly slender anyway.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 15:34, Reply)
This week, I have been mostly playing.....
.....Monopoly on the iPhone.

It's flipping addictive!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 15:35, Reply)
Well you won't get fat then.

(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 15:48, Reply)
Probably not.
I just like food anyway, and I can taste it again:)

I think I fancy another sandwich!
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 15:49, Reply)
Today's sandwich
was tuna mayo with sweetcorn and tabasco on Best of Both.

Tuna mayo without tabasco just doesn't taste right any more.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 15:56, Reply)
Mine was
cheese, with mustard and pickle.

(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 15:58, Reply)
wish I was there
instead am hungover on my sofa, contemplating all of the items I must move into my new apartment tomorrow. gah.

have a great night out in York. and someone please drink a proper beer for me.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 15:58, Reply)
Sandwich Challenge
I had ham and cheese with cucumber,tomato, baby spinach and dijonnaise.

That was all the sandwich stuff I had in the fridge - didn't see the point of not putting it all on. :)
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 16:05, Reply)

The first of many this week methinks.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 17:03, Reply)
Game finished 2-2
At one point it looked like they were going to hammer us but we got steadily better and by the end might have snatched a winner.
(, Sat 31 Jan 2009, 17:21, Reply)

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