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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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bored, bored, bored
I'm still off work with me poorly ickle elbow and after day three am begining to get bored.

what to do. Bare in mind I cant drink, (painkillers, anti-inflams, antibiotics) darent risk mixing with people, (knock on the wound would floor me), and theres only so many hours I can sleep. I cant even go for a walk as the entire town is one big ice-rink at the mo.

Been playing on the internet, off course, and came across a browser based game called "TRAVIAN" . Looks entertaining if a little slow.

has anyone in B3TA land got any expereince of it?
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 12:27, 11 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Have a wank.

Edit: not a bottom-wank, you understand... just a normal one. Although...
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 12:30, Reply)
Damn Travian!
It steals my time in large quantity.
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 12:38, Reply)

It's my ELBOW.
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 12:43, Reply)
Use the other hand
That way it'll feel like somebody else is tossing you off.

You do have another arm don't you?
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 12:43, Reply)
I've tried that already.

The usual hand got jealous thou and I could not live with the guilt.
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 12:56, Reply)
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 13:00, Reply)
Web games I play
www.conquerorgame.com and another one called Dicewars - google it and it's the first result. I shall take a look at Travian.
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 13:07, Reply)
what server are you on?
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 13:24, Reply)
Damned Travian!
Some bastard mentioned it here before christmas.

Now I am hooked and running 2 different accounts on 2 servers and have little free time left!


Run screaming while you still can!
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 15:48, Reply)
Just taken a look at Travian
Looks like a complicated version of Conqueror (or Conqueror is Travian pared down to the essentials).
(, Tue 3 Feb 2009, 21:08, Reply)
Server the third, under this username.
(, Wed 4 Feb 2009, 16:55, Reply)

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