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Amorous badger is the owner of the fail list
Also, it's the internet, why do you care?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:07, 3 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
Didn't Mike do a /talk fail list?

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:08, Reply)
Dunno, I thought there was only AB's list
Oh wait, yeah he did. It wasn't as funny though
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:09, Reply)
Not as funny.

Should be a t-shirt slogan.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:10, Reply)
Bonjella, Becky

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:08, Reply)
Oi Oi you massive slag.

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:09, Reply)
Hiya Dad!

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:09, Reply)
Evening Scouse

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:09, Reply)
I'd love to make scouse for you
But you'd go and hate it
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:10, Reply)
There was a scouse cunt on the tube last night on the way back from DiTs
I wanted to punch him hard. No need as someone else did
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:12, Reply)
Was he a scally, or just generic scouse?

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:13, Reply)
Where did they punch him?
and why?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:15, Reply)
He'd been told to shut up by his friends repeatedly after insulting black guy - for the simple crime of being black and riding the tube late on a school night. He kept on, so the guy got up and punched him.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:19, Reply)
Sometimes violence IS the way!
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:20, Reply)
Perfectly jusitifed I reckon

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:21, Reply)
It made him shut up at least :)

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:22, Reply)
the subject matter was fairly to blame on that one. I don't expect everyone to go "whoo - deep" and then step around me on tippy-toes, a big of amusing slagging off isn't an issue to me otherwise I wouldn't be on b3ta.
Someone carrying on some sort of stupid grudge with me because I took issue with his shitty /fail list is. I don't go on /talk, the arseholes who populate it shouldn't come here, or if they should, play by "our" rules: which I think are "be generally nice or amusingly not nice".
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:12, Reply)
Oh get over yourself
there isn't an "over there" and an "our patch". Seriously, this is a really tragic flounce.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:13, Reply)
is there such a thing as a "non tragic" flounce ?!?
and there is a world of fucking difference between /talk and QoTW. If b3ta was just the former I wouldn't have given the site a second look.

Yes, this is a tragic flounce. Fuck it though, I'm flouncing. Bastards. All of them.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:15, Reply)
The only real difference is that /talk is more controversial more often.
Fundamentally there's a huge crossover between this board and that.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:19, Reply)
No they're not. I've met a few of them and from time to time I take part in their banter
That's right banter. It's all it is. I very much doubt that they spend their time thinking of how they can fuck up your life by writing mean things about you online. ON THE INTERNET.

Grow up or fuck off.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:21, Reply)
It's too late he's fucking off
he didn't want to grow up.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:22, Reply)
He's the Peter pan of b3ta

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:23, Reply)
He creeps into young girls bedrooms at night and cries

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:23, Reply)
Ooh look there's an edit now to put into context a letter we'll never read
Not because we don't care to, but because he's removed that option. What about our fakking civil liberties?
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:25, Reply)
banter implies
"buy in" to that banter. In bantering mode, we can all call each other cunts and that's fine by me.
Calling someone you haven't previously communicated with a "cunt" as your first greeting wouldn't go down well in real life and would get you a much-deserved shoeing. If it's immature of me to think that someone who does that virtually is just as much a cunt in real life as they're coming across in virtual life, then fuck it, guilty as charged. If they then bring it up 8 fucking months later then they really are a sad cunt.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:26, Reply)
For someone who's flouncing, you're really doing a shit job of it.
The fact that you're reacting to what he types - yes TYPES on a keyboard into an internet web page - is proof of your character for me. To allow yourself to get riled up over something that you wrote in the first place, that he responded to is rather silly.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:30, Reply)
Kinda what I was trying to say down there.

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:35, Reply)
I said it better because I'm better than you.

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:36, Reply)
There is that.

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:38, Reply)
They're mostly not arseholes.
Mike's not an arsehole. He's just a guy having his fun.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:16, Reply)
this is b3ta
we're all arseholes
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:18, Reply)
Fuck you, arsehole.

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:20, Reply)
proof if proof be need be

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:25, Reply)
one wonders what else he does for kicks...sorry the guy just comes over as Cartman is all. The fucker.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:21, Reply)
Oh among other things he likes to stab kittens
and rape old ladies. You see I can tell this because he is mean ON THE INTERNET and those things immediately follow from being mean ON THE INTERNET.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:24, Reply)
Fucking hell, you really must be one of my friends then if you're mean on the internet and I know you IRL

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:26, Reply)
Seriously, christ.
I say some stupid shit on here which could be taken pretty offensively if the person on the recieving end had the wrong attitude. It sounds like you're making it incredibly personal and I'll be honest and say if someone did that to me instead of taking it in the spirit it was intended on a site which is supposed to be harsh and funny - a joke, banter, provocation - then I'd probably bug the fuck out of them about it.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:26, Reply)
If the person on the receiving end had the wrong attitude...
So not because you're a shit communicator who finds it impossible to make themselves clear? No, that's right, just pile it all onto them and have a massive dump on them while you're at it. It could NEVER be your fault afterall.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:28, Reply)
I'm not entirely sure what this means.
My point was that his attitude towards mike in particular seems personally aggressive and if anything will provoke someone to bite back it's being all shitty and taking stuff badly.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:34, Reply)
Just fucking with you dear Noely Noel

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:37, Reply)
Haha fuck you, arsehole!

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:38, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:43, Reply)
Banter innit.

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:46, Reply)
You vicious bastard
you're trying to ruin my internet life. I'll sick Al on you
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:50, Reply)
He'd just cover me in Nutella and bum me.

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:53, Reply)
Good enough

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:55, Reply)
Don't you start laying into Noel you evil cow!

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:39, Reply)
Don't you fucking start you twizzler eating monster

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:42, Reply)
*punches nearest person*
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:44, Reply)
It's a shame you were standing next to your mum

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:49, Reply)
*punches your mum too
right in the bum*
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:52, Reply)
Fuck I wish I could have some cheese Twisties
I really miss Australia.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:44, Reply)
Get some cheese twisties from M&S. They're in the bakery section and are very tasty

(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:47, Reply)
Not those type
they're a type of crisp, like a Nik Nak, but cheese flavoured.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:50, Reply)
So get some cheesy poofs and shut up about it then
Or just get these. They make them in huge bags now
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:51, Reply)
I can't be arsed to leave the house now
I had some French Fries instead.
(, Fri 5 Mar 2010, 21:55, Reply)

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