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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I'm totally back
but don't ask me what day it is, I'm horrifically jet lagged. How are you?
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:10, 1 reply, 15 years ago)
It's tuesday.
Was it worth the jetlag? I'm good ta. I've got another new boy to work on. I also have a pole and a free house.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:12, Reply)
Is he skinny and with an emo haircut?
Jet lag is totally worth it. We ate so much food, I've put on almost a stone, I feel like a right fat cunt.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:15, Reply)
yes and ish.
He also wears check shirts and is ever so slightly ginger. :D However did you guess?
In three weeks? You fat bastard. All the fat al pictures are going to get rolled out tomorrow.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:17, Reply)
We ate out for pretty much every meal
and we discovered this bar where they first started making Irish Coffee in the states, we got absolutely shit faced.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:20, Reply)
Ah, fair enough.
That is what holidays are for, really.
Sounds like you had an excellent time.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:27, Reply)

(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:30, Reply)

(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:32, Reply)
How is your little alien?
Has she chomped your breasts yet?
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:40, Reply)
Yeah, she's mad for the tits.
She's turning into a right little chunker.
(, Tue 3 Aug 2010, 19:01, Reply)

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