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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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wait til he is about 29
all the girls who currently overlook him will suddenly no longer see geek, they will see security and sensible stability and commitment. and they will rip his clothes off. then he will realise his powers and become a total womanising tool.

this is the word of the lord.
(, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:41, 3 replies, latest was 15 years ago)
Jesus christ
Thats almost as cynical as I can be about relationships.... And unfortunately probably true. Oh well.
(, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:43, Reply)
you can NEVER
be too cynical about relationships. EVER.
(, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 14:03, Reply)

he will realise his powers and become a total womanising tool.

this is the word of the lord.
they will see his micropenis, smeared with Marrowbone Pal, and run for the fucking hills.
(, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:44, Reply)
This much is true
Plus, when he gets himself a lady, all the others come out of the woodwork and hint at the truly despicable things they'd love to have done with him, only can't as he's not single anymore.
(, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:45, Reply)
Sound of experiance?

(, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:46, Reply)
Too fucking right

(, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:48, Reply)
I've got to say
Every time I've been in a serious relationship I do seem to get more attention from women. I'd always chalked it up to sods law though.
(, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:46, Reply)
The first time I chalked it up to
The women in question now not fearing rejection, as I was with a lass.
Now I'm chalking it up to the fact that I'm fucking awesome.
(, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:49, Reply)
First few times it happened wayyy back in time I chalked it up to me having more confidence due to being with someone, but now that isn't realy a massive issue I chalk it up to a combination of sods law and the basic human need to have something that is in some way off limits - like if you tell someone that they can't have something it immediately becomes more desirable.
(, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 13:53, Reply)

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