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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Look at these:

Quite possibly the most hideous boots of all time.

Then look at the price.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:02, 3 replies, latest was 14 years ago)
Imagine it planted in to Chris Moyles nadgers by a critic of his show.
And it seems quite acceptable as a piece of footwear.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:08, Reply)
why would you do that to my eyes?
why monty, why?

don't make me talk angry to you, however much you love it!
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:12, Reply)
*loves it anyway*

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:13, Reply)
They really are spectacularly hideous, aren't they?
Only £1930 to look like the biggest twat in human history, too...
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:15, Reply)
would you like me
to stand with one foot on your neck and one on your crotch whilst wearing them?

[is that angry enough?]
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:32, Reply)
Would you mind awfully choosing some other footwear, please?
They are putting me off, slightly.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:34, Reply)
i have designer red stilettoes?
or lots of nice black high heels, shiny or otherwise. or about 10 pairs of knee high boots in different materials and colours. or some spiky shiny ankle boots? or bare pedicured feet?
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:38, Reply)
I say.
I think I'm having a heart attack.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:39, Reply)
that's the feel of an ancient engine
coming slowly back to life

/old jokes
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:41, Reply)
it's because i'm standing on his windpipe

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:42, Reply)
keep up the good work
and knee high boots obviously of all the options
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:43, Reply)
i am wearing my newest pair today
buttery soft grey leather, i am very pleased that grey is the new black this year! i also bought aubergine suede ones, which are miles nicer than they sound. russell & bromley is a dangerous place...
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:45, Reply)
the grey ones sound gorgeous
I have so much grey in my winter wardrobe it's unbelievable. Where did you get them from?
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:46, Reply)
is it wrong that I'm enjoying this sub thread?

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:47, Reply)
you're in touch with your feminine side
russell & bromley. i love them because they are actually comfortable! think they are called "dressage" or something - anyway they were £295.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:48, Reply)
saddest of sad faces
right here.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:49, Reply)
you could borrow mine if you lived in london... i bet DP or topshop or m&s does them just as nicely and a fifth the price!
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:51, Reply)
Is DP another sex reference?

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:52, Reply)
dorothy perkins
not quite the look they were going for!
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:53, Reply)
When they told the agency they wanted an 'edgy' campaign
I think they didn't quite know what they were getting into.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:54, Reply)
I feel a bit silly now.

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:55, Reply)
I'm going to look them up on the internet
and gaze at them longingly haha
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:56, Reply)
they are nice
sorry i am a bit vipros-smug about them!
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 18:00, Reply)
that's alright
I'd be Vipros-smug as well if I had them.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 18:02, Reply)
Do you mind awfully?
I was in the middle of some fetish sex there, and now you've barged in talking about shopping.

I feel a bit of a fool lying down here now.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:50, Reply)
you get back there
and do as you're told
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:51, Reply)
Clearly you are doing something wrong Monts.

This is like falling asleep on the job, women suddenly talking about buying shoes whilst you enjoy yourself.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:52, Reply)
Use the code word!
Use the code word!
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:45, Reply)
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:46, Reply)
but that's not the code word
jeff knows it!
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:48, Reply)
better not let BGB hear that

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:48, Reply)
I do know the code word.
But I'll leave Monty to suffer at your hands feet a bit longer.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:49, Reply)
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:53, Reply)
What's it worth?

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:54, Reply)
BobbyPires' pineal gland?

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:56, Reply)
You lie there and choke you cunt!
I hope your face has gone pink.

I feel a bit sick now. You just want his kidney.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:58, Reply)
but you just gave away the code word!

i'll have to jump off now.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 17:59, Reply)
Cock it.
I've enough footage of him suffering to sell it to one of the Online smut sites.

We'll split the money.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 18:00, Reply)
*breathes raggedly*

Righto, I think it's time I went for a pint in town.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 18:03, Reply)
Have fun.
I'm going for a quick shave then I'm off to the pub for drinks a plenty.
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 18:09, Reply)
makes me think of the kingmaker song
sequined thug
(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 18:35, Reply)

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