One Night Stands
Freddie Woo says: "I was young and desperate, she was older, divorced and was sick on me. Seemed an acceptable criticism at the time." Tell us about your one night stand disasters, or lie about your triumphs.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 13 Mar 2014, 16:05)
There was an older guy when I was a younger queer guy. One of my first one night stands after
entering the heady world of the "gay scene". He gave me the best blow job of my life, it has never been bettered. One night stand disaster, blow jobs ruined for what appears to be forever. Still, keep on trying - one or two have come close to that encounter.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Thu 13 Mar 2014, 16:55,
7 replies)
Ghoti Fingers, Thu 13 Mar 2014, 17:03,
They don't make radio one DJs like they used to.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Thu 13 Mar 2014, 17:17,
Im not a fan of one nighters. Makes you feel cheap.
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Thu 13 Mar 2014, 17:21,
Well you should have said.
Next time I'll up the payment to £5.99
Cactus 1 doesn't care what you think on, Thu 13 Mar 2014, 17:23,
To be fair,
he is pretty cheap.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Thu 13 Mar 2014, 17:24,
Close to that encounter of the turd kind?
(racist I know)
edjogs Collared doves are shit., Thu 13 Mar 2014, 18:51,