What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.
( , Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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People who think that just because I'm American that I;
1) Am a warmongerer that wants to bathe in the blood of third world peoples - I don't, canadian blood will do (irony for the fundamentalists out there)
2) I'm an ignorant, cousin-fucking (see I can swear, I just chose to self edit, cause I'm nice like that), gun-toting, fear-mongering, god-botherer with no sense of irony (see point 1)
3) That because I went to an American school, I don't know how to spell and am as thick as two planks nailed end-to-end - I'm incredibly bright, working as an engineer in Cambridge with a massive salary and huge job prospects (did really well at uni - no dropping out for me)
4) This is the one that really gets me in stitches - that my family in the states are all trailer-park inhabiting red necks. *BUZZ* Wrong! - more of the English side of my family are living off the back of the system, with my uncle in the states owns property from coast to coast and all points in between.
So fuck you and your generalisation of Americans, many of us are well meaning and productive members of humanity.
Length? Coast to coast, didn't you here me?
( , Fri 2 May 2008, 15:32, 15 replies)

1. you can't be that hot as an engineer or you would realise nailing planks end to end in no way increases their thickness - it merely assures us of yours
2. didn't you mean 'generalization'
3. you're still a fat cunt
( , Fri 2 May 2008, 15:43, closed)

or did someone wake up on the wrong side of their kebab this morning?
( , Fri 2 May 2008, 15:46, closed)

I'm a Brit who moved to the USA and I have to say, I agree with you. Your country is in no way perfect (where is?), but I get riled to fuck with people who make sweeping generalizations about entire countries. "All Yanks are fat and stupid." I see, so you've met every single one of them, or at least enough to represent a sizable population with which to form that opinion.
While stereotypes have to come from somewhere, I could happily form my own based on the Merkins I've met since I moved here which would be; Americans are not all fat, stupid warmongers. Not all of them are religious, many don't give a shit about God, those that do don't force it on you. The do understand irony (yet occasionally struggle with the finer points of sarcasm) and find the same things funny as we do.
Every country has a population who let it down, I feel with America it's maybe just a bit more visible. And sadly, many of them are in Government. Honk.
Many things annoy me about this country. However many things make me very happy to be here and very sad to return to the UK.
This reply was brought to you by the Rakky Foundation for Promoting Understanding Across The Atlantic...
( , Fri 2 May 2008, 16:04, closed)

Thank you, and I agree. I know that America is far from perfect, and that to many we seem to be full of it, but it is because many who live there have a great deal of freedom that they choose to explore, and because of this we get so much shit thrown our way.
As I often tell my friends 'America is a place of everything conceivably good and noble about humans, but also a place where our darker side is allowed to run rampant." It's what I love and hate about it.
( , Fri 2 May 2008, 16:10, closed)

is this an 'Numericun' lobbing junk food insults?
note you still havent denied being a 'stereotypically' fat cunt
( , Fri 2 May 2008, 16:29, closed)

If I were to tell you the truth, that I'm anorexic (by biology, not through choice), you'd attempt some quip of misguided insults and disbelieve me.
So yes, I'm fat, very fat, fatter than the moon, and I eat babies.
( , Fri 2 May 2008, 17:06, closed)

Succinct, structured, thought-provoking until...
*BUZZ* Wrong!
Now I can't picture you without think of those god-awful teen movies (American Pie et al). You could be the world's foremost expert in particle physics and I'd still be picturing you at some fraternity kegger party, tie wrapped around your head, shouting "CHUG CHUG CHUG".
( , Fri 2 May 2008, 17:31, closed)

you are fat though. it's the fact that contrary to your protestations you're not also a guilt ridden god botherer - you clearly find it hard to simply lie and deny your bloated status
ergo fat cunt
go on deny it
jesus dares you
( , Sat 3 May 2008, 2:20, closed)

Bye-bye spimf.
Life's too short.
I've worked with Yanks - many of the fuckers and most of them are great. I've met a few Yank wankers, but we've got British wankers as well.
Some parts of American culture hack me off (Gangster Rap, White Fundamentalists, and pretty much all of Yank Government) but other parts I can tolerate or even like.
So, I take 'em as I find 'em. If they act like wankers, I treat them like wankers - but most don't.
And there's even a few I really like and admire.
( , Sat 3 May 2008, 13:09, closed)

and they're pretty good people - there are things we disagree on, but on the whole I got on with them very well. They even thought it hilarious that I referred to them as 'Merkins occasionally, and I didn't take offence at any of their jibes at the British.
Good on you, Chaz.
( , Sat 3 May 2008, 15:04, closed)

but there are just as many (proportionally anyway) stupid Brits. A few years ago everyone over here was laughing about California electing Arnie. Well, London has just proved itself to be as stupid.
( , Sat 3 May 2008, 23:30, closed)

There are assholes all over the world (spimf immediately jumps to mind - but he's ignored now) but you can't let them be the ones that form your opinion of a whole section of people, it just isn't fair on anyone.
As Legless says, you gotta take 'em like you see 'em.
( , Tue 6 May 2008, 10:10, closed)
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