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This is a question Personal Ads

A somewhat shocked friend writes, "I did not realise it is considered de rigeur to send a cock shot with the first email."

Welcome to the world of personal ads. How deep down the rabbit hole have you gone?

(, Thu 13 Sep 2007, 15:01)
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Girls are freaky as well...
So I gather the current trend of conversation has been degenerating to wild HotorNot voting orgies, but I did think of another story this weekend...and this one's about a girl! Yes--I had a lesbian stalker in addition to the rest of the freakshow.

This girl:

- Was a cheerleader, and eversoslightly thick. I'm not saying all cheerleaders are dumber than red-orange, rectangular building materials, but she certainly fit the stereotype...
- Would punch, bite, flying-tackle, and lick--yes, lick--anyone she thought was her friend.
- Would not answer to anything aside from the character names she chose from her favourite anime. (Cringeworthy...and people wonder why I distance myself from the fandom...)
- Tried to act 'cute'. You have to understand that the mindset of almost any person who watches Japanese cartoons is inevitably warped by their weird, Asian standards of what 'cute' or 'acceptable' is. This means she tried to act like a cat, complete with meowing, being patted on the head, etc.
- Would follow me around holding on to my arm and snarling "MINE" at anyone who dared speak to me. Gulp...
- And lastly, not only would she follow me places, but would sit at my feet, no matter where we ended up.

And that's the story of how I've ended up more or less asexual. The end.

Edit: And after looking at you people, I really can't show my face on HoN--not that I was going to anyway--errr, maybe that's part of my problem...
(, Mon 17 Sep 2007, 17:10, Reply)

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