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This is a question Personal Ads

A somewhat shocked friend writes, "I did not realise it is considered de rigeur to send a cock shot with the first email."

Welcome to the world of personal ads. How deep down the rabbit hole have you gone?

(, Thu 13 Sep 2007, 15:01)
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Ok, I gave in and joined the great B3ta Beauty Race...
..Currently 130th *sob*

I'd always quite liked the anonymity that comes from posting on B3ta, knowing that I can share my most humiliating stories with the world without people knowing it was me is incredibly liberating.
However, I felt left out and decided to join my fellow B3tards on Hot or Not.
Now you can all see my mug I'm going to have to seriously reconsider the honesty of my posts!

Anyhooo.. back to the initial QOTW (if anyone can actually remember the subject at hand..)

I personally have never tried "Internet Dating" as such. I do however, use several "social networking" sites and I have to say attract some of the most bizarre individuals in existance.

Now, in all honesty this is probably partly my fault for accidentally portraying myself as some kind of wanton sex fiend, but after a while the continuous torrent of messages saying "Alrite sexi u got msn n cam???!!!1!" starts to get a little bit tedious...

A few months back I recieved a random message from a guy I didn't know, nothing sinister, pretty textbook "Hi how you doin?" type stuff. No alarm bells ringing at this point, so as it was late at night and I was bored I thought I could at least honour him with some polite conversation.

It didn't take more than a few messages to realise that this guy was not only illiterate, but a complete bore.
Not only this but within seconds he'd left comments on at least 90% of my pictures and refused to stop calling me "Babe"

Now rather than be nasty I figured I'd just try and casually stop replying to his messages, he'll eventually get the hint and leave me alone right?
Initially, if I didn't respond to his message straight away he'd send another one... and another one... and another one...
When I stopped replying altogether he still didn't seem to understand and still the steady stream of messages continued.

Meanwhile, I was having an online conversation with the (then) object of my affections... through the same site.
During said conversation I happened to drop a hint to my fella that I was getting annoyed with stalker-boy's antics, we had a wee giggle about it and he suggested sending a polite message, explaining that I was his girlfriend, and he'd really prefer that stalker-boy didn't message me so much. I didn't think this was particularly unreasonable so the message was sent...

Fast forward 5 minutes and my fella suddenly becomes the target for the most incomprehensibly threatening emails I've ever tried to decipher.
I think somewhere along the lines he was trying to convey that he does "weights", as if this alone was going to scare us both.

Not entirely satisfied he'd done enough stalking, he'd then apparently gone onto my fella's profile page,and somehow deciphered the coded chat where I joked about having a stalker.

This appeared to be the final straw for stalker-boy, for it was then that he announced that he just happened to be flanked by his 2 best friends, who just happened to be 2 lawyers (yah for this was around 2am, likely story pal) and in his own words he would "get sumin done bout this legal"

I almost laughed my way to a hernia.

I doubt I have the need to worry about him seeing this post at any point, from what I gather the cBeebies website is about as big a literary challenge as this man can manage.
(, Tue 18 Sep 2007, 2:19, Reply)

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