Sit-ins. Walk-outs. Smashing up the headquarters of a major political party. Chaining yourself to the railings outside your local sweet shop because they changed Marathons to Snickers. How have you stuck it to The Man?
( , Thu 11 Nov 2010, 12:24)
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Especially when they put up their stalls on main streets with all the grisley photographs of animals having vivisection at eye-level for five year old kids.
Right on!
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 11:07, 12 replies)

..always remind me of the Happy Tree Friends...
and Burgers.
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 11:15, closed)

Some charity was collecting money outside Boots in Kew retail park a couple of Saturays ago. They had a bloody great big poster of some poor little 5 year old swathed in bandages, but with blood and some kind of weeping sores all over her. Something like that anyway. The effect was pretty gruesome, and you could see all the parents with their little ones (self included) hurrying them past trying not to let them see it.
I'm not averse to popping the odd quid in a bucket, but that just seemed totally counter productive. If I wasn't so feckless I'd have told her to stop being such an idiot.
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 12:55, closed)

Anti-vivisectionists are a bunch of completely loony right-wing nutters that need to be shot.
As evinced by that lot sent down the other day.
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 13:02, closed)

they quite often park outside my local Barclays branch, and shout at the filthy puppy burners working at counters with megaphones. Barclays take the extraordinary measure of closing the door.
All absolutely hatstand.
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 13:06, closed)

You make it sound like a spa treatment. :-)
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 15:51, closed)

They even get free fags.
I don't see how it's radically different.
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 16:11, closed)

dunno if it is already posted as an answer to the QOTW, but this sums it up to me:
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 19:18, closed)

... my preferred response to this is to covertly insert a hound into the dwelling of the anti-vivisectionist, repeatedly, on a monthly basis. Usually around 3-4am.
( , Tue 16 Nov 2010, 19:55, closed)

... the anti-abortion protesters. I've seen things on their stalls that I found even more disgusting and dehumanising than the things on the anti-vivisection stalls.
I mean, we eat animals. We don't eat foetuses. Except the Chinese.
[ EDIT - I mean the Chinese are alleged to eat human foetuses; not that we only eat Chinese foetuses. ]
As I say, more frequently than I wish I felt I had to, man's inhumanity to man is exceeded only by his inhumanity to other animals. Though sometimes I'm not so sure.
( , Wed 17 Nov 2010, 4:59, closed)

If they ever had any pics made past 1980 up.
And you know what, they're only animals, cruelty is one thing but bumping off a few million mice to get a cure for cancer or working cybernetic limbs is fine by me.
I've always wanted the stones to ask if they'll put themselves forward for experimentation to spare the mice.
( , Wed 17 Nov 2010, 19:28, closed)
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