Scaryduck writes, "I celebrated my last day on my paper round by giving everybody next door's paper, and the house at the end 16 copies of the Maidenhead Advertiser. And I kept the delivery bag. That certainly showed 'em."
What have you flounced out of? Did it have the impact you intended? What made you quit in the first place?
( , Thu 22 May 2008, 12:15)
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Well, fuck you, dumper boy: I quit first.
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 1:39, 26 replies)

In the (probably futile) hope that it makes you feel better. :(.
Note - clickage doesn't mean that I like the fact that you've been dumped, obviously.
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 2:23, closed)

I cannot see any problem in this, as you make males *swoon* anyways.
His loss, etc, and a click for being CHCB- no other reason needed, really.
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 3:20, closed)

It's hard getting an ego blow like that, but at the same time... well, move on to something better, ya know? There are enough willing males on b3ta, I'm sure...
And look at it this way: at least you weren't dumped by an ex-stripper like I was. Talk about feeling like a total loser...
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 3:27, closed)

Might I suggest that the males on the board spend some time today commenting in here on the *obvious* gorgeousness of the Messianic one who is known as CHCB?
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 3:38, closed)

nah, no need. I'm not fishing for confidence boosts, just ranting. I'll live. Just venting my humiliation. Stupid thing is, it wasn't going to go anywhere, I was far more interested in someone else entirely, and his reasons for dumping me were pretty sketchy anyway, yet still it stings. Yeah, I'm doing a lot of crying, but I think I'm crying for a lot of other things that are wrong, not just about him.
Also, I don't have any other quitting stories for this week.
@Loon - ex-stripper? Ouch!
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 5:23, closed)

Actually, I'll post this story on its own, as it sorta fits.
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 5:34, closed)

try the direct and honest approach, e.g. "it isn't working, let's just call it a day". (I would've agreed.)
Do not try the I've-been-drinking-all-day-and-want-to-pick-a-fight-approach, e.g. "you're just like all the other women" (what? Female?).
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 5:49, closed)

You can't beat:
"It's not me - it's you"
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 6:05, closed)

On the plus side, I'm single, and you know where to find me.
Just follow the trail of mutilated hookers.
I'm gonna click "I Like This", purely for the comment ""you're just like all the other women" (what? Female?)"
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 6:10, closed)

heh heh! That would actually have been better than the shit I heard.
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 6:10, closed)

If he's not a B3tard then he's probably not worth it.
And I really wish people would be just *honest* when the wheels fall off a relationship. All this justifying, blaming, chest-beating and tearing-of-hair is so bloody childish.
"It's not working - we both know that so let's part now while we still have at least respect for each other..."
P.S. Then again, only a few of my relationships have ended that way. Most of them seem to end in infidelity. Why some lasses can't keep their knickers up is a mystery to me. And a bigger mystery, is why I keep falling for that type. (Mrs Legless excepted....)
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 6:33, closed)

but for some reason people can't do restrained honesty.
Ach, it's for the best. Besides, me wanting to be with someone else would never have been a good basis for anything longterm... :)
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 10:55, closed)

It's a drag, but no great loss to you.
As the others have said....especially the bit about him not being a b3tan - they're definitely better than the average human being - not least of all because they understand the whole goatse/kitten dichotomy.
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 11:08, closed)

And apparently I didn't respect his hobbies enough. Pft, I bloody did, but then he's not interested in my b3ta existence so I'd say that works both ways.
Whiskers on roses and goatse and kittens;
Bright copper mimsies and shrunk plastic mittens;
Brown paper jizz mags; being tied up with strings;
These are a few of my favorite things
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 11:39, closed)

You got a lucky escape there girl.
Onwards and upwards, that's my motto. And yes, get yourself a B3ta man. You can't go wrong with a man who likes kittens.
Or in Kaol's case, dead kittens.
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 12:53, closed)

I think Kaol prefers his kittens lightly grilled, with a side salad.
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 13:30, closed)

Just when things were beginning to look up for you, this has to happen!
Like others have said, I've clicked on this in the hope that it makes you feel better and not because I like the story. In this case, I propose we call such clicks clickyhugs.
* clickyhugs *
Anyway, now that you've been freed up relationship-wise, the advice I gave you at the end of this thread seems more doable. You deserve better dammit! Throw your protestant work-ethic and catholic guilt in the wind and just have some "You-time".
Re the direct and honest approach to dumping: My sentiments exactly! A barrel-full of 'this'ses!
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 13:37, closed)

I'm going to drink a lot of tea and then run 10K in that torrential rain. If that doesn't sort me out I don't know what will. It was no major break up, but by god it was vicious.
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 13:42, closed)

did I get your order wrong?
Do you prefer them fried?
@CHCB - I would tell you about how nice the weather up here is, but given that you're having a shitty day, I won't.
Ach, damnit. Have a sympathy clickyhug (© mistapakkaman) instead.
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 13:59, closed)

Tea and running 10K in the rain? Sounds like you intend to wee yourself while you’re jogging. That’s one way of “letting it all out”.
@K2k6 and everyone else
I hereby release ‘clickyhug’ into the public domain and thus don’t require copyright-symbols or royalties.
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 15:09, closed)

^ I Can't add to what everyone else said, so I shall smoosh you again instead!
( , Mon 26 May 2008, 19:01, closed)

I think I can trump that with
'I'm sorry but I've just spent the weekend with someone else'
That was a right kick in the plums and no mistake
( , Tue 27 May 2008, 14:40, closed)

Ouch, more like several kicks in the plums, then stamped on for good measure.
( , Tue 27 May 2008, 16:30, closed)
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