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This is a question Screwed over by The Man

We once made a flash animation for a record company. They told us it was brilliant and 30 staff gave us a round of applause. They asked us to stick it out without their name on it. Then their legal department sent us a cease and desist for infringing their copyright. How have you been screwed over?

(, Fri 3 Aug 2012, 13:46)
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Teachers should strike during the long summer holidays, when they're busy doing all that marking.
That would show The Man!
(, Mon 6 Aug 2012, 13:22, 17 replies)
They should also
refuse to come to school for an extra day at the end of the holiday.

It would show how upset they are, but as they would stay at home, i.e. inside their houses, they could call it an inset day or something.

Fuck the system!!
(, Mon 6 Aug 2012, 13:29, closed)
It's funny 'cos you don't know what you're talking about.
Hmm, I am easily trolled.
(, Mon 6 Aug 2012, 13:32, closed)
OK, well
it's not that complicated, is it?

I know what an inset day really is.

I have no idea why they're necessary though.

Maybe when teachers bleat about how stressful their 180 day a year jobs are, they're actually telling the truth.
(, Mon 6 Aug 2012, 14:36, closed)

I often work in schools - not as a teacher - and it's pretty apparent that 180 (or whatever) days is what they get paid for, not what they actually *do*.

I wouldn't swap with them...
(, Mon 6 Aug 2012, 14:42, closed)
Is this some argument about
teachers actually working long hours or something?

It's not going to wash. The only people who work less than teachers are on the dole.

Same as the stress thing. 6 hours a day trying to control 30 kids might SEEM stressful, but it isn't. there are a million jobs that are more stressful than that.

Crack on though.
(, Mon 6 Aug 2012, 15:15, closed)

I'm not saying it's the most stressful job on the planet - wouldn't know, as it's not my job. But they do seem to put a lot of hours in, from what I've seen. They're all there when I get there, all there when I leave, and there's always *someone* about during holidays/weekends/evenings or whatever if I need access to the site.

Plus, the kids are tremendously annoying, I'd not last five minutes without dropkicking at least a few into an alternate reality.
(, Mon 6 Aug 2012, 15:32, closed)
How long did you last at it, then?
'Cos I assume your view is the result of actual experience.

Did you see that Usain Bolt on the telly last night. Blimey, what and easy job he's got. He doesn't even have to work for ten seconds to pick up millions in prizes and endorsement fees.
(, Mon 6 Aug 2012, 17:54, closed)
No, I'm not a teacher.
My sister in law is though. She thinks all the moaning is ridiculous, but she quite likes the extra days off.
(, Tue 7 Aug 2012, 8:53, closed)
She must be a pretty shite teacher
If she's only working slightly more than people on the dole...

I live/have lived with teachers. They're out of the house by 7am, and usually not back until after 6... at which point they have to do marking, write lesson plans (in advance, to be cleared by the heads of department), write reports, research their field (if they teach in a specific area), research new teaching regimes (if their school follows a certain code)...
(, Tue 7 Aug 2012, 10:22, closed)
Shite or not, she's obviously better
than whoever taught you to read.
(, Tue 7 Aug 2012, 12:03, closed)
I've been a teacher and it's true
that there are some lazy crap ones who do the bare minimum. Your sister in law is probably one of those. Because of the strong unions, her job is just as secure as a dedicated hard worker.

We all know you're trolling, and the art of good trolling is to throw out a sweeping generalisation that has just enough truth in it to draw in responses. The moaning by some teachers IS ridiculous. In my current workplace, the biggest moaners are those who've never done any other job in their life. They assume the problems there are unique, whereas the rest of us realise that you get dickhead bosses, long pointless meetings and imbecilic colleagues everywhere.

The problem with teachers is that loads of them have never done a different job.
(, Tue 7 Aug 2012, 23:51, closed)
I suspect this is
pretty close to the truth.

Course I'm trolling, but somewhere between the opposing views here is the truth. Neither side is completely right.
(, Wed 8 Aug 2012, 8:57, closed)
Anyone who thinks teachers have got it easy
Is a deluded twat
(, Mon 6 Aug 2012, 17:30, closed)
After the first few years, once you've got your a shit together and lesson plans sorted it's not all that tough.

(, Mon 6 Aug 2012, 19:42, closed)
But I can understand it might be a shock to the system if you've had a leisurely ride through life from school to college to yeenie before going into teaching.

(, Mon 6 Aug 2012, 21:05, closed)
It's a fact well know to all teachers hat nobody works as hard as teachers

(, Mon 6 Aug 2012, 19:40, closed)
in your case I suspect they may have needed to work just a little harder

(, Wed 8 Aug 2012, 21:32, closed)

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