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Home » Question of the Week » My sex misconceptions » Post 259498 | Search
This is a question My sex misconceptions

Freddy Woo writes, "aged eight, a boy from my class told me everything these was to know about sex: male prostitutes are called destitutes and women use tampons to stop men sticking their willies up them. Also, women pee out their bums, something I didn't realise was wrong until I was about 18 and my first girlfriend looked at me aghast."

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zero points for conception/misconception jokes

(, Thu 25 Sep 2008, 15:54)
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It's not about being cunts
It's about confidence.

Women have this thing where they are attracted to confident people by the same mechanism that men are attracted to naked female flesh. Because there are no taboos associated with confidence, any women talking about a confident man will be seen in a different light than a man talking about a woman with nice tits (the former sounds like she makes an effort to get to know the man and the latter comes across as a testosterone fuelled ape). One thing about assholes is that they usually come across as confident. You don't have to be an asshole or even an alpha male, just be confident (easier said than done), fake being confident (ditto), or even better, find a woman who has realised this (either consciously or subconsciously) and has learned to pick men for what they are. They're out there - you gotta find 'em.

But I both sympathise and empathise with you. So have a * click * and a * hug * .
(, Thu 2 Oct 2008, 12:55, 1 reply)
And on a similar note
Here's a tip if you're using an Internet dating site:

If a woman mentions "I like a man with confidence" in her profile, this just screams "Hi, I'm one of those women you'll fall in love with and when you finally do pluck up the guts to ask me out, I'll say 'let's just be friends' " at you.
(, Thu 2 Oct 2008, 13:32, closed)

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