Silly Achievements
Happy Phantom writes, "Sometimes - by planning or happy accident - you achieve something with which you are quite pleased, but which makes little or no difference to the rest of the world.
"This morning, I woke up and spontaneously farted the opening three notes from The Frog Chorus."
What did YOU do?
chthonic, Thu 16 Oct 2014, 16:04)
I entered a new 'mother-in-law' joke competition run by a bloke-based wedding website
and got second place behind Dave Spikey but beat Shappi Khorsandi and Gary Delaney.
As reported in the Daily Mail:

and plenty of other news papers/websites.
No prize except kudos and the vague hope that loads of people were wondering who the shuddering fuck I was and did I have a DVD out for Christmas.
Afinkawan Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango, Wed 22 Oct 2014, 15:23,
16 replies)
You could have beaten them a bit harder, like.
eViLegion Chief Commissioner of the Scottish Lunacy Board, Wed 22 Oct 2014, 15:53,
your pleasant tale of appearing in print is very good.
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Wed 22 Oct 2014, 15:55,
rofl harris, Wed 22 Oct 2014, 16:44,
You were outed in the paper as being less funny than Dave Spikey?
I'd have sued for libel.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Wed 22 Oct 2014, 22:26,
now now no need for this sort of thing
d.r._and_quinch when will you be famous?, Wed 22 Oct 2014, 22:34,
RebelWithoutApplause My underestimation will almost be the death of me, Thu 23 Oct 2014, 10:20,
They didn't even use my best one:
My wife said we should do something nice for the mother-in-law's 70th birthday. Now I'm just waiting for a Groupon for Dignitas.
Afinkawan Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango, Thu 23 Oct 2014, 15:34,
They're better jokes, written by funnier people.
Afinkawan Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango, Thu 23 Oct 2014, 15:23,
I love the Madame Tussaud's one
sittingduck Attention seeking, bullshitting fuck-knuckle, Thu 23 Oct 2014, 13:39,
Me too.
Dawson was a fucking genius.
Afinkawan Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango, Thu 23 Oct 2014, 15:22,