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This is a question Sleepwalking

A friend of mine once cooked an entire meal for two in her sleep, ate the lot and washed-up before going back to bed.
She has also awoken to find herself naked, on a fire escape in Fulham, confronted by two burly - and not to mention excitable - officers of the Metropolitan Police.

She doesn't even live in Fulham.

(, Wed 22 Aug 2007, 22:21)
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Best. QOTW. Ever.
Me and the missus lived for six months in a remote farm cottage in Aberdeenshire - no neighbours, out in the middle of nowhere, cool place.

About a month after we moved in, we crashed out after a bit of a smoke. As a result, when she reached across and switched the light on at 4am, I was slightly freaked.

Me: 'Why've you switched the light on?'
Her: (fast asleep, ethereal voice) 'For the people. There's people in here.'

Oh shit. I have *no idea* what I'm going to see if I open my eyes now. I freaked. Hid under the duvet, terrified that if I reached an arm out the 'people' would grab my wrist - eventually snuck across under the covers, and stuck my hand out for a fraction of a second to switch off the light and return to my huddled, gibbering position.

She denies all knowledge to this day.
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 13:45, Reply)

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