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This is a question Sleepwalking

A friend of mine once cooked an entire meal for two in her sleep, ate the lot and washed-up before going back to bed.
She has also awoken to find herself naked, on a fire escape in Fulham, confronted by two burly - and not to mention excitable - officers of the Metropolitan Police.

She doesn't even live in Fulham.

(, Wed 22 Aug 2007, 22:21)
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once my mum was woken up by me walking down the stairs and opening the front door. She asked me what I was doing to which I replied "going to the toilet".

another time I went downstairs and sat down in the living room with a trainer in my hand, my brother asked me what I was doing, I threw the trainer at him (hit him as well) and went back to bed.

didn't remember a thing about either time when told about what happened the next morning.

I've slept walked other times but those are the most interesting!
(, Thu 23 Aug 2007, 15:53, Reply)

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