Smash Wogan writes, "we all love our Mums, but we all know that Mums can be cunts, throwing out our carefully hoarded crap that we know is going to be worth millions some day."
What priceless junk have you lost because someone just threw it out?
Zero points for "all my porn". Unless it was particularly good porn...
( , Thu 14 Aug 2008, 16:32)
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Not funny but very mean - I made my boyfriend chuck out all his "junk" that had sat in boxes for two years. To him it was priceless wires and bits of computers that could be used to fix the multitude of computer and wire emergencies that might occur at anytime (we had enough wires to solve all of London's problems). To me it was all wires and shite, and I could (and never will) understand the need for 20 odd of the same wire. I will never forget him and his bin bags nearly sobbing as I stood over him to make sure everything was thrown. I on the other hand got to keep my collection of handbags - they are clearly more useful. I do feel a bit bad but not that bad.
I still get "If only you hadn't made me throw those boxes away..." when he decides to take apart all his computers/game consoles/MP3 players etc. So I am sorry, I clearly do not understand computer geeks and their wires.
( , Fri 15 Aug 2008, 15:21, 13 replies)

Do you communicate at all or is it pure unbridled lust?
( , Fri 15 Aug 2008, 15:25, closed)

So cos u don't understand it he had to suffer? I hope you choke on your filthy handbags you incontinent witch!
Sorry, I'm a geek and I'm sticking up for my own! If my girlfriend attempts to divest me of my boxes of bits and wires and other cool stuff, then she can expect what will surely turn out to be an unexplained bout of labarynthitis at the top of the stairs.
Or, I'll just smack the bitch.
( , Fri 15 Aug 2008, 15:32, closed)

why anyone should have/does have enough control over any other person to the extent that they can dictate what that person can do and can have.
(Children are excluded as the whole point of their existence is to be bossed around by older types.)
( , Fri 15 Aug 2008, 15:41, closed)

You're describing almost word for word what my ex-missus did to me.
It's a conspiracy I tells ya!
Mind you, now that she's an ex, the wire / computer junk collection has been reborn in all it's sharp-edged, tangled glory. Mwah ha ha ha!
( , Fri 15 Aug 2008, 15:59, closed)

The fact that you are happy to class something as worthless even though you admit you don't understand it, is a serious personal flaw.
I too have a similar collection, and despite spending months at a time being unused its worth having anything you might possibly need at easy access. Speaking from experince, berating a computer dongle box for having more than one wire is like calling a toolbox wasteful as it contains more than one nail.
( , Fri 15 Aug 2008, 17:48, closed)

For I also have a box.... cupboard.... OK fuck it, Wardrobe, full of worthless IT related crap that I will never use or sell.
What you women/non-geeks must understand is that we NEED this stuff, it might be useful at some point!
I mean, come on, can you honestly tell me you'd never find the need for that old RS232 card or that mounting bracket for the graphics card you got rid of two years ago?
( , Fri 15 Aug 2008, 19:01, closed)

That's a bit of time to be together. I'm sure he was sad over the loss of his paraphernalia but as a long-time hardware geek I have had to learn to discard things or I'd be crowded out of my two-bedroom apt- I already have at least one computer per room.
Anyway, if he's still with you then I say 'No harm, no foul'.
( , Fri 15 Aug 2008, 21:33, closed)

And Smash Wogan.
"on yer bike..."
( , Fri 15 Aug 2008, 22:06, closed)

...you're not her are you?
I have boxes, bags, cupboards etc... of that sort of shite.
Sometimes even I wonder what some of it is for.
I found a 19.8v DC adapter in there with a 2 inch lead. What can that possibly be for?
And several servos - but that was for the electronic cat-flap (complete with cat recognition software!)
At one point I had the European ISA card mountain. I only ditched them 3 months ago!
( , Fri 15 Aug 2008, 22:15, closed)

but then again, i collect grudges. have you never heard of storage? if you wanted them out of the house that badly, you could have ASKED him - not ORDERED him - to put his stuff into storage. that way, he wouldn't have lost anything and you wouldn't come across as a manipulative cow.
sorry, that was harsh, but i've seen too many friends fall foul of controlling partners.
( , Sat 16 Aug 2008, 11:40, closed)

At least you are recognising some degree of parity between his irrational hoarding and your own. Even if you are not willing to explicitly state the fact.
Even so, never will you understand why we might want to keep that old 200Mb hard drive, that 486 mainboard. We know that it probably has no real use anymore but we like to look at the ordered precision of the components, the citylike tracery of the copper tracks, we like to pull the rare earth magnets out of those hard drives, and we relish the rainbow beauty of the spare power supply cables. All real men have a stash of this kind. Need a spare IDE cable? Lets have a look in my goodie bag. A hard drive activity LED? Lets see what we have here.
You want to connect both your TV and an old video recorder to the same coaxial aerial cable so you can record celebrity come dancing but your cables are all male-male? Well I did have a Y-splitter and a coupler in my bag, but you insisted on throwing it away woman. Just last week as I recall in fact.
Sorry. Got carried away a bit there.
A handbag on the other hand is just something you put stuff into. Why would you need more than one?
( , Sun 17 Aug 2008, 2:01, closed)
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