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This is a question Tightwads

There's saving money, and there's being tight: saving money at the expense of other people, or simply for the miserly hell of it.

Tell us about measures that go beyond simple belt tightening into the realms of Mr Scrooge.

(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:58)
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My Aunt
having boiled a kettle would then keep the remaining water she had not used in a Thermos flask to keep it warm & would then pour it back in to the kettle when she then needed to boil it again as this saved electricity.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 9:53, 14 replies)
this is actually quite clever
not that I'd do it
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 10:01, closed)
This really is
quite clever. I don't do it, but I very well may do when my tea-loving friends are over
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 10:02, closed)
What a great idea!
I'll be using this, once I manage to ponce a thermos flask from freecycle, of course :P
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 10:06, closed)
I just boil one cup of water at a time if i'm the only one drinking tea.

But I have a posh kettle with the flat element at the bottom so any water will cover it.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 10:14, closed)
used to be..
on those late night, just before end of transmission, tips on TV. The ones that reminded you to unplug things turn the cat off, and put the lights out.

I am that old!!!
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 10:16, closed)
Sounds sensible to me
Boiling a kettle takes an enormous amount of energy.

However, as another poster said - the best thing to do is simply not to overfill the kettle: boil only the amount of water which you actually need at that time.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 11:04, closed)
if only there were kettles...
... with thermos-like insulation, it'd make this so much easier.

Erm, hang on, ... why aren't there insulated kettles?

EDIT: OK, there are insulated kettles... though whether they're up to thermos standards or not I don't know.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 11:17, closed)
Yeah just had this same idea.
Thermosk flask kettles :) Great energy saver.!Would get a huge fook off grant from the government for inventing and making them. Then you can charge the public a fortune for them because its "green" and save them electric bills :)
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 13:34, closed)
do an internet search
... there's one you can buy for 90 quid. Sound like a bargain ... pays for itself in^H^Hat no time, I'd think.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 15:14, closed)
Just one problem
with this, i.e. water boiled once, then boiled again, makes horrible tea.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 13:11, closed)
are right.

Although my kettle does need de-scaling/replacing, which could make a difference.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 14:33, closed)
Bollocks does it
So, you have to completely empty out the kettle every time you've boiled it before using it again? And you buy expensive 'guaranteed never to have been boiled' bottled water at the shops?

Or maybe it's all in yer head.

Jayz - you're at the level of my missus who regularly complains that water goes 'stale'.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 17:26, closed)
ane fule kno
that reboiled water, shit tea makes.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:24, closed)
Your dead right
This *is* the kind of thing that a fool would "know"...
(, Tue 28 Oct 2008, 10:10, closed)

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