Are you a troll? Ever been trolled? Ever pwn3d a troll with your 1337 intarnet sk1llz? Or do you live under a bridge and eat goats? Tell us your trolly stories, both from the web and from real life
Thanks to The Hedgehog From Hell for the suggestion
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 19 May 2011, 11:49)
I heard that when he roars, it sounds like Whigfield.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 19 May 2011, 16:32,
3 replies)
I heard when he listens to Whigfield he gets a giant lion boner and preens in front of the mirror.
Lisette von Falcon, Thu 19 May 2011, 16:33,
I heard he likes to roar into a mirror
whilst wearing a towel.
Bazongaloid, Thu 19 May 2011, 16:33,
I heard it sounded more like Liam Neeson chasing chickens in a barrel
and that instead of a mouth, he's got four arses.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Thu 19 May 2011, 17:03,
I heard his milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like "It's better than yours".
Lisette von Falcon, Thu 19 May 2011, 17:06,
His milkshake brings all the mongs to the yard
shamelessly stolen from someones sig
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Thu 19 May 2011, 17:08,
I totally heard that if he likes it then he puts a ring on it.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Thu 19 May 2011, 17:19,