I was Mordred writes, "I've been out of work for a while now... however, every cloud must have a silver lining. Tell us your stories of the upside to unemployment."
You can tell us about the unexpected downsides too if you want.
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 10:02)
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And so far, I've got nothing apart from a couple of interveiws. I can't get low paid job, because as soon as employers see the fact I have a degree they figure I'll piss off at the first oppurtunity, and I can't go in for graduate training as I've already applied for teacher training posts. So yes, I'm stuck inside, every fucking day, looking for work.
It takes about 2 hours to go through the websites I have bookmarked, another 1 hour or so calling up (or trying to get through to people) agencies, asking for work, another half hour or so reading through the local paper if it happens to be the right day.
I haven't been out drinking in months, I can't afford to hire films, or buy music or even food more interesting than beans on toast. I'm getting pretty sick of people who assume all people on the dole are scroungers, and even more sick of having precisely fuck all to tell people when I do meet them. Every damn time I get a letter of rejection, or more often than not no reply at all it fucking hurts, and reinforces the part of me that thinks I'm a failure. I used to be pretty laid back, friendly, confident and happy, and the longer this goes on the more I find myself unable to even remember when I was like that. So no funnies. No silver lining from where I am either. I honestly don't expect anyone to click this, or reply, I'm just ranting.
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 14:02, 16 replies)

I've been here before too. I've got a wifelet that works so I get up later than her and she scowls at me as she leaves. Every morning.
Still, I get out of the house at least once a week, exercise (it makes me feel better and helps me sleep) and I keep looking. A sense of humour is all we've got to keep us going sometimes.
The wife just emailed saying she wants to go to the pub after work today. I've not seen a pub in months.
I replied that she has my blessing as long as she wears her hijab.
Length? Impossible to say.
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 14:21, closed)

You're still the same person you are when all this started. You're still entirely employable and capable - what's changed is your circumstances and attitude because you've been worn down by your experiences.
Keep trying hard, and take any job you can. Your degree isn't a barrier - it'll help you find a nice job when things improve but it won't stop you doing simple work which pays badly but gets you out of this rut. Even voluntary work, charity shop cashier etc is better than staying at home letting your heart bleed cos you can't get a job.
No offence intended here - just trying to help.
Just steer clear of Red Cross shops - they smell of piss.
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 14:25, closed)

That's why I maintain a B3TA account.... And no offence taken - any advice at this stage is good, and welcome! I've looked into volunteering, and I'm currently thinking about applying for some sort of volunteer work at a local drop in centre for homeless people with mental disorders, given that it's rather relevent to my work background.... I do realise that the situation isn't hopeless, it's just sometimes I do wonder why I bother waking up in the morning!
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 14:32, closed)

Take the degree off the paperwork when applying for "low paid" jobs.
I don't put my props and effects work when I'm applying for coding jobs, and I barely mention the coding when applying for effects/props work.
Sez I, and of course I know eevrything me.
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 14:34, closed)

But writing out the degree would be a pain. I'd have to explain what I was doing for my last year, when I wasn't working even part time jobs.
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 14:36, closed)

It’s shit. No debate. But I found that getting out of the house even for a 5 minute walk helped – change of scenery helped refresh my thinking & distract me temporarily – even if it was pissing down with rain. I found it wasn’t mentally healthy to be indoors spending most of the daytime on my own.
Also see if you can find someone who will act as a coach/ mentor (perhaps in your preferred sector with a few more years experience) – not only can they help you with introductions to their contacts but having someone challenge your thinking or just to offload on can be a help.
Good luck. Gaz me to discuss further if you like.
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 14:38, closed)

I'm the person / fool who asked the QOTW this week.
I've been out of work since August - although technically speaking, looking full time for work all year, for reasons too long to go into here.
Yes, it sucks. Yes the endless cycle of rejections, or more commonly not hearing a thing back, really fucks up one's confidence. It's easy to say / think "don't take it personally" but in reality one does.
But you're not a failure. What is happening in the world is not your fault, you are just caught up in it.
My advice:
a) go for walks. The weather's getting better, walking is free, it's good exercise, it won't damage your body and will release good chemicals into your system. Make a playlist of happy tunes for your walkman and walk long, hard and fast for an hour a day, two walks of 30 minutes is best. Sets you up for the day in the morning, sorts you out in the evening.
b) You might think you have precisely fuck all to talk about to people, but in reality when one talks to friends and family, the subject of work isn't one many of us want to hear about for long. You are still you. Having friends over only costs a cup of tea. See people and do it; and if they offer you food when you go there, it's not charity, it's friendship. Do not isolate yourself or think that lack of employment = lack of social skills.
c) Value yourself. Money might be tight, but you should be able to afford the 10 quid or so for hiring films with Lovefilm or similar. Ditto the occasional bottle of wine or whatever for home. Ditto a meal which isn't beans on toast.
d) Talk to others when you are down. Don't bottle it up. Talk to strangers if that's easier - gaz me if you want to, I'm happy to chat and listen and so on. Seriously, get in touch. We can all help ourselves through this.
e) Take heart. This isn't for ever.
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 16:30, closed)

Unemployment is a shit choice for QOTW on account of it being absolutely fucking AWFUL. Been there myself a few times, your post reads like my own life. It is just fucking shit. But it gets better. It gets lots better.
All you need is a break and you'll get it, eventually.
Going for walks used to help me out. Fresh air, exercise - kept the brain ticking over.
But you haven't lost your sense of humour so hang in there.
Alternatively, become a rent boy.
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 16:35, closed)

I honestly just posted this as a vaugely emo rant about how shit it is to be unemployed, and never expected anyone to read it, let alone reply! And thankyou all for your messages of support and usefull suggestions! (yes, considered the rent boy thing.... can't see it paying out in the long term though!). So yes, um, thankyou all you wonderfull people. Reinforces my faith in humanity and reminds me why b3ta is so damn cool :)
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 16:44, closed)

Temping, crap jobs, crap pay, but took on anything. After 6 months I got offered better ones, and after a year took my pick of what came in. The trick was to register at lots of agencies and then as soon as I got a job at one (3 days £3.50 an hour, this was before the minimum wage) agreed to do it, did it as well as I could even though it really was horrid, and then go in in person to hand in my timesheet. I never posted them unless I was on a long term job, I made sure I was there in person every week and that they knew who I was, and I talked to them respectfully as colleagues. I stuck with the first agency that gave me a job and even though I didn't have transport made sure they knew I was available on a next day basis. (did do other work, but only if none at my first, and my first choice had priority)
Good luck, it's not pleasant. One week I only made £35.
After a couple of years of this I landed my first supply teaching job and since then have been full time employed.
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 17:08, closed)

I found myself in the same position in June 06 when I graduated with a degree in Computer Science. Sent tens of applications off to large, graduate-friendly companies with no response ... seemed that summer that they were looking for firsts and I have a 2:1.
Any road up, I signed up with as many temp industrial employment agencies as I could find (6 if I remember correctly), gave them a CV which basically said that I'd been living off the dole and cash-in-hand work during the degree years (and made no mention of having a degree) and was looking to get back into employment asap. I got my first job by the end of the week. Simultaneously I set up as a self-employed 'IT consultant' - ridiculously embellished my CV and started mass-mailing every small company I could find (in local rag) for business fixing their IT kit. I made about £3,000 over six months, not a great deal but combined with night-shift manual labour, enough to pay the rent and bills. Finally a large company got back to me and I'm now f/t employed as an IT spannermonkey.
Basically what I'm saying is there's always a way. During a memorable point in my life I owned an old, beaten-up DAF van and spent my days cruising West London side streets, knocking on doors and offering to take people's rubbish away for £10. There's always a way to find cash if you look hard enough...
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 17:20, closed)

It sucks, but it won't be forever. I was unemployed for 6 months until April last year and this is what I learnt:
- routine and to do lists are good and stop you going mad. Treat job-hunting like it's your job, and stop doing it at 5pm and weekends.
- don't give up.
- watch the news; there's always some poor fucker who's worse off than you are. Keeping things in perspective is really important.
- be nice to yourself.
Good luck :)
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 17:27, closed)

as people're always leaving for better jobs.
Any care agency'll snap you up, degree or no degree, and give you training and a uniform, and you may get your meals too at some places.
If you're a bloke they'll practically eat you, as they're always short of male carers.
You could try care homes too, as they always need male carers.
OK, it's not well paid and it's hard, sometimes dirty work, but it's rewarding and it's better to put on your CV than 'unemployed'.
Plus, you might hear of a good job on the grapevine or even be headhunted.
Give it a go!
( , Fri 3 Apr 2009, 18:10, closed)

Agreed with the voluntary work, especially if it relates to your degree background. My friend was in the same situation as you, she helped out at a drop in centre for mentally disabled peeps and then they offered her full time paid work there, so keep at it. And walking definately helps. Also sitting in a park people watching is great, although by the kiddies park is probably not the best idea
( , Mon 6 Apr 2009, 3:16, closed)
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