Weddings Part II
Attending a wedding is like being handed a licence to act like a twat. Oh how I laughed when I sobered up and realised I'd nicked most of the plates and cutlery from the posh hotel lunch and those vague memories of stealthily exiting like a cat-burglar had in fact involved falling out of the hotel, knives and forks clattering onto the steps.
Tell us more of your wedding stories.
chthonic, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 18:10)
Top autisming
Baggenfrock get fucked, Wed 12 Nov 2014, 14:08,
3 replies)
I think an autism would spell it "practice"
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Wed 12 Nov 2014, 16:48,
An inability to dance is symptomatic of autism?
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Wed 12 Nov 2014, 16:57,
says a man who has posted 28 stories and 1624 replies on question of the week.
In seven months.
Guy Debord cette mauvaise réputation..., Wed 12 Nov 2014, 18:34,
Hey pal,
go fuck yourself.
I can't help it if I'm interesting.
Baggenfrock get fucked, Thu 13 Nov 2014, 20:54,
...and pleasant.
edjogs Collared doves are shit., Thu 13 Nov 2014, 22:05,