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I once won a gas boiler from The Guardian. Tell us about times you've won, and the excellent and/or crappy prizes you've lifted.

Suggested by dazbrilliantwhites

(, Thu 28 Apr 2011, 14:08)
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Another goldfish one
Won two of the kids goldfish at last years fair when it came to town, so splashed out on a proper nice Bi-ube tank and all the gubbins (bloody expensive, fish are).

The fair was in town this year and I won another goldfish so off it went to home where it was quarantined for a week to make sure it was OK, then introduced to the tank with the local population. The kids aptly named it 'swimmy'

Came down one morning about 5 days later and one fish was AWOL, nowhere to be found. Swimmy was happily darting round the tank, though the other fish seemed lethargic and had taken to occasionally floating on the surface on his side. Then I noticed the bits on its skin. Ah crap.

Went shop and got all the anti velvet, anti whitespot and all that other crap. Drained the tank and got the two fish i could see out. Its then that I lifted the pirate ship model to find the missing fish floundering about underneath it. Fuck knows how it got under there, but it did. I rescued him and put him in temporary storage with the other two fish until the tank was flushed out, cleaned and the medication added.

All three were dead by next morning. Cue Kids hearts breaking and much crying. Never taking home fair goldfish ever again.
(, Wed 4 May 2011, 14:13, 10 replies)
Fish are crap pets.
My Mrs decided she wanted to keep tropical fish, so with misgivings I bought her the tank and all the other stuf we HAD TO HAVE, which only cost about a million quid.

She chose a dozen beutifully frilled and lavishly coloured fish from the pet shop, which were duly added to the tank and swam around pleasingly.

So far so good.

day 2. Fish look a little ragged. Can't quite work out what it is, but they're not as pristine as yesterday.

Days 3 - 10. Fish gradually eating each other. Six of them dead, found floating with lumps out of them.

Day 11. Down to one motley looking Nemo like object.

Day 12. Nemo found floating on top of tank.

That was the almost 2 week fish experiment. Tank went into garage until I dropped a torque wrench on it a couple of months later and it all went down the dump.
(, Wed 4 May 2011, 14:28, closed)
You 'dropped' the torque wrench on it. That's what you told the missus, anyway...
(, Wed 4 May 2011, 14:50, closed)
a cunning and well thought out plan. i may 'borrow' the idea ;)
(, Wed 4 May 2011, 14:58, closed)
can i have it when you're done

(, Wed 4 May 2011, 15:30, closed)
you can't put a full load of fish in the tank immediatley
it needs to be cycled properly, it 's easy to do and there is plenty of information and advice out there.
The shop shouldn't have sold you the fish without finding out if you had a clue what you were doing.
(, Wed 4 May 2011, 15:32, closed)
yeah you murderer :-)

(, Wed 4 May 2011, 15:35, closed)

(, Wed 4 May 2011, 16:27, closed)
Was nothing to do with me, I thought it was a stupid idea anyway.
(, Thu 5 May 2011, 8:21, closed)
Dead pets are a good learning experience for kids.
They'll understand that life isn't forever and they may learn sone responsibility in feeding them and so on before the time comes.
(, Wed 4 May 2011, 18:02, closed)
except it was my Mrs.
(, Thu 5 May 2011, 8:22, closed)

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