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This is a question Worst Band Ever

If I was in charge of the B3ta fatwa department, we wouldn't be hearing too much from Simply Red in the future. Who's on your musical shit list and why?

(, Thu 30 Dec 2010, 12:00)
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Yeah, but you get the impression that Bob Marley actually would listen to his own music.
Whereas with Pendulum's junglist background, I very much doubt they would rate their own tunes. Changing one's style in itself isn't selling out- Primal Scream, for example, have changed style loads, but never done it to sell records.

I can smell fakery a mile off and it smells of shit.
(, Sun 2 Jan 2011, 12:43, 2 replies)
I always had the impression that a bunch of Australians making D&B records ten years on from when that scene was in any way fresh or relevant were a shower of spasticated shitcunts anyway. Still, fuck em, I'm off to create the first pubstep record. It's gonna be MASSIVE.
(, Sun 2 Jan 2011, 12:49, closed)
I'm almost certain
that Pendulum were or were in a metal band before going DnB. I'm prepared to stand corrected on that.

On another note, is your username a musical reference also? If it is, then it is an awesome one.
(, Sun 2 Jan 2011, 22:25, closed)
Just about every junglist I know started out listening to metal, and still do so.
And every DJ I know is into all sorts of things- but the metal stuff that Pendulum do is terrible. If the stuff that they did was good then I would have no beef with them. As it stands, what they did was stop making very good DnB and start making piss poor nu metal, all the while making out that they have 'grown out of' DnB when they make teenybopper, puerile shite.

It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.
(, Mon 3 Jan 2011, 0:12, closed)
Metallist junglists?
What's this fuckery? All the people I used to go raving with at Speed, AWOL, Sunday Roast etc were ex-hip hop heads. Still, I suppose it explains why D&B got heavier and duller after the scene exploded circa 1996. Still, metallist junglists, well I never *lights pipe, shakes head*
(, Mon 3 Jan 2011, 9:01, closed)
Maybe it's a Scottish thing.

(, Mon 3 Jan 2011, 10:59, closed)

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