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Home » Question of the Week » Worst Nicknames Ever » Post 55046 | Search
This is a question Worst Nicknames Ever

Everyone wants a cool nickname like "Ace", "Boss", or "Iron". Kids being kids, that's not what we get - the kid with polio gets called Johnny Spazm, your Ginger Fuhrer was called Rob Man-you-smell and your question master was "Tommy" Trinder despite him being dead for years.

Tell us the worst you've heard and the stories behind them.

(, Thu 18 May 2006, 15:45)
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Someone i know
Where i work there is a guy in a different department who in 2004 had a huge bushy beard and glasses and bore more than a passing resemblance to Dr. Shipman. Naturally he became known as this over the next week and next time he appeared the beard had gone!

I also know someone who is known as 'The walking compost heap' due to the fact that their personal hygeine is almost none existant.
(, Fri 19 May 2006, 16:36, Reply)

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