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Home » Question of the Week » Worst Record Ever » Post 2668 | Search
This is a question Worst Record Ever

What's your worst record ever? And why? Most amusing reasons and tracks will be played on Friday's B3ta Radio Show.

(, Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:26)
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"Barbie Girl", by Aqua. And "Saturday Night" by Whigfield.
This, as well as being my first meaningful post on b3ta (hello, by the way), is liable to mutate into a particularly bile-sodden, splenetic rant. Apologies if this does, in fact, turn out to be the case...

My nomination for "worst song ever", indeed my nomination for "most excruciating aural torture ever devised by man", is the foul and reprehensible atrocity that is "Barbie Girl", by Danish popsters Aqua.

My deep-rooted and potentially pathological hatred of this song isn't limited to its kindergartenish melody, simian rhythmic structure or feculent lyrics. Although they do contribute.

No, the real reason for my soul-deep loathing of this song is that it reminds me of my whining, irritating, immature, militantly Northern flatmate when I first moved to London. Nicola was a perpetual student, led a largely nocturnal existence and only emerged in daylight to paint her toenails, cook beans, watch Corrie and moan about how shit London was. "Barbie Girl" was, I fear, her favourite song. Her bestest tune in the whole wide world. Which, I think, says a great deal about why I wanted to kill her and distribute bits of her body around Kent in an assortment of supermarket carrier bags.

I'd put Whigfield's "Saturday Night" up here as a close second. Interesting Danish collection here; frankly I think the Danes may as well set aside all pretensions to neutrality when the next War comes. They deserve everything they get, after inflicting both of these eye-wateringly awful bits of nusic on the world.
(, Wed 3 Dec 2003, 16:49, Reply)

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