What's your worst record ever? And why? Most amusing reasons and tracks will be played on Friday's B3ta Radio Show.
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:26)
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It reminds me of parties where your' parents are the only ones dancing.
*hides head in hands*
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:37, Reply)

ooh, an i like this button. i feel powerful.
ps the spoon gets a a like this purely because he is called spoon; spoons rule.
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:36, Reply)

in a charity shop a couple of years ago. Obviously I bought it.
I regret nothiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnngggg!!!!!!!
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:36, Reply)

the bare naked. i don't know what the fuck i was on.
when i realised my mistake i burnt the cd in the oven. it smelt really bad.
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:36, Reply)

Translated from the Swedish it means 'Let it Swing'. Was a eurovision entry by the Bobby Socks.
La det svinge and la det rock & roll, la det svinge and ladet music take control...oh eh oh...La det svinge and la det rock &, svinge and la det rock &, svinge and la det rock & roll.
I won it in a raffle - honest.
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:35, Reply)

It was in the charts when a girl I loathed gave me a valentines present - A little No.1 trophy which appeared to be made of used chewing-gum.
Thinking back, it was probably made of fimo.
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:35, Reply)

All Night Long by the Mary Jane Girls . .
Reason: Aged 15, a group of us decided to go camping, the camp site was next door to the local Butlins so we'd get pissed on cheap cider from the camp shop and jump over the fence to use their amusement arcade . .
One night I had a little too much and was left to lay outside on a bench (puking my guts out) where I was mugged by a group of small children who managed to steal the last of my money (including my coach fare home) . . the only part of this that I really remember was the bloody Mary Jane Girls playing in the background . .
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:35, Reply)

"The very best of David Hasselhoff"...
pick a song, any song. honestly.
If any of these songs were out in 1939 - they would have stopped hitler straight. no questions asked.
The reviews can't be wrong...
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:34, Reply)

By Hanson. Gah. Several Take That and Boyzone ones. Spice Girls. I had awful taste as a pre-teenager.
Why? Er... self-explanatory, surely?
Edit: I have Spaceman by Babylon Zoo, found it the other day... actually still quite like it... *slap*
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:34, Reply)

by Timmy Mallet (etc.)
It was bought for me buy a "Freind"
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:33, Reply)

by Robin Beck
Girl I fancied liked the tune, so I bought it, learnt it and sang it to her... oh to be 13 again!!
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:33, Reply)

I had a penchant for Marky Mark back in the day, and my girlfriend was rather kind to me and bought the "Feel the Vibration" single for me. I played it over and over.
I'm sure it's destroyed now.
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:32, Reply)

but I bought "Stop the Cavalry" by somebody.
Sod it. No.
I'm NOT ashamed.
I just loves dat trumpet.
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:32, Reply)

It was only after I bought it I saw him on Top Of The Pops. It turned out he wore a skirt.
My family gave me funny looks.
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:32, Reply)

without a shadow of a doubt. Apart from the fact that it has the most puerile lyrics ever written outside of a playground, the fat, nazi-looking fucker actually stole the tune from something else!
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:32, Reply)

After having played it once and then suffered through my little brother squealing 'Bienvenido a Miami!' every single time we flew into Miami International (which we did a lot that year), I returned it.
The music was not missed.
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:31, Reply)

but when i got home its only had half of each of the cds in... i've still never heard a track off it
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:31, Reply)

Clayderman, my mum and dad bought it for me.
I was in an all girls boarding school at the time.
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:31, Reply)

Lemon Jelly
My Reason: Its shite, I dont know why it just is.
EDIT: Wooo 3rd post
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:31, Reply)

... do you?
edit: meh, whatever, i'll do it anyway
I was eight, it was one of those cheesy novelty bands, don't remember their name.
Reason? I was 10, ish
and yes this probably is just a cheap excuse to get the first answer EVER
woo me i'm making some sort of insignificant milestone
( , Tue 2 Dec 2003, 17:30, Reply)
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