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I like bars.
I can get a 'mint julip'/'mojito'.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:21,
prem1um is full of life, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:21,
I like bars with subtal background music and a plessent up-market vibe.
Big comfy sofas, waiters to your table, friendly atmosphere... prehaps a food menu.
They're generaly more expensive, but I think they're worth it. I know a couple of great ones in london, and if you don't mind spending £70+ on a one-off night, you can have a great time.
They're also good for before/after going to things like a show.
I hate it when a bar trys to be a club though.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:25,
Newington, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:26,
Is that good or bad to you?
I spent £150 last weekend. I am not proud of it.
prem1um is full of life, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:28,
At the end of the day, if you have a whicked night, and can afford it, then its worth it.
well, its not worth it, because you would do it every weekend if it was. But once every few months, its good fun.
£150 is a bit steap in one night though, prehaps a weekend. Unless, of course, you went for a posh meal and did the champers thing (ie, a birthday). Generaly though, there is only one person the group who spends that kind of money, and that person changes with every trip.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:34,
I honestly don't mind "bars", mind you, £70 in a night is taking the piss.
There's plenty of decent averagely priced places.
I'm not down with pubs that think they are bars and vice versa, or the dreaded GASTROPUB.
rnuk http://flickr.com/rnuk, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:28,
I like bars which are either small and cosy to take an OMGGIRL too
or a big fuckoff acid house style warehouse club where you meet lots of new people and can get totally bismarcked without going in the same room twice
prem1um is full of life, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:27,
The only multi-room bar i've been too, I would describe more as a club.
Was 'Risa' in B'hams' Canal Street.
I fucking loved it there though, B'ham is fucking whicked.
I would describe the wearhouse style ones more as a club though.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:32,
does being 'bismarcked' involve taking a torpedo to the rudder
and then going round in circles until the British navy finish you off (not in a sex way)?
Undulating Tentacles of Love getting fun down to acceptable levels, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:34,
I'd go for that. Is there a dress code?
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:42,
Looking like a ship
and being covered in seamen (FNAR!)
Undulating Tentacles of Love getting fun down to acceptable levels, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:53,
I'll give you that.
Damn I like mojitos.
rnuk http://flickr.com/rnuk, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:23,
Couldn't you get a mojito in a well-stocked pub?
Newington, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:23,
Most pubs dont keep brown sugar or fresh mint
which is
essential for a mohito/mint julep
prem1um is full of life, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:24,
or lime juice
or rum, actually, apart from that black as tar "navy" rum shite.
rnuk http://flickr.com/rnuk, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:25,
Being a rum person
I am quite spoilt (figuratively and literally) by the selection of decent rums in the Brighton pubs.
Undulating Tentacles of Love getting fun down to acceptable levels, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:28,
Mount Gay?
Flapjack I spay a little mare for you, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:31,
Undulating Tentacles of Love getting fun down to acceptable levels, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:42,
i experienced this this afternoon
Its either Havana Club, Mount Gay, Appletons or the FUCKING HIGHWAY
prem1um is full of life, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:28,
"I'm sorry, we don't serve queers here"
would be a typical response, I should imagine.
rnuk http://flickr.com/rnuk, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:25,
"I'm sorry, we don't serve queers here"
The Teviot Moose major 5th., Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:27,
I suspect that market forces would act against this tendency.
Newington, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:28,
if the owners/managers knew their job
and listened to what the customers wnated, then yes
Dangermouse., Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:25,
My local is a 100% proper pub
and the landlord (who has run it for 25 years) is justifiably famous for his knowledge of cocktails. He could piss mojitos into the slack-jawed mouths of any half-wit teenage cocktail bar in great britain.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:27,
I will find you.
rnuk http://flickr.com/rnuk, Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:29,
Same with our local
and their fuckoff spicy Bloody Mary's.
Wicca'd Witch needs ideas for a new sig on..., Tue 20 Mar 2007, 15:31,