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Home » Talk » Message 6186648 (Thread)

This definitely qualifies.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:24, archived)
Also, take the apostrophe out of nazis, you mong.

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:24, archived)
the apostrophe stays
just because you don't like it


what the fuck
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:28, archived)

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:28, archived)
your mummy
doesn't love you but she loves arse rape
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:30, archived)
Haha, yeah.
Aren't you edgy.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:30, archived)
like a knife
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:31, archived)

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:32, archived)
He's like TOTALLY rofl

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:31, archived)
She, unfortunately.

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:33, archived)
that's what your daddy said
when you were born.

he normally only likes to touch little boys.

but he sighed, shrugged and said

ah, you'll do.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:34, archived)
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:37, archived)
Haha, go play with your dollies.

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:38, archived)
...looks like a long-haired Richard Hammond

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:35, archived)
that rather begs the question what you must look like, no picture

hiding a fuck ugly mug methinks
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:36, archived)
Haha, come on now.
Tell us which regular you really are. This is too good to be real.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:37, archived)
50p says it is wormulus

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:39, archived)
Either way, I'm feeding this troll

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:39, archived)
Nah, she's been on before.
I think she's just shit at life.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:40, archived)
You won't win, you know?

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:38, archived)


Wow, that's good. Well done, internet person. You're like SO telling me!
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:38, archived)
Well, I am certainly TOLD, anyway.

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:41, archived)
we're assuming
I reckon it's a he turned she *nods*
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:35, archived)
I honestly couldn't tell.

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:37, archived)
well ''jackaction''
you look like that ginger prick who stars as ''the sherminator'' in american pie.

you know, the twat who never gets laid.

that must work well for you regarding the, er, laydeez

i reckon you'd welcome ''richard hammond'' or any other male with open arms, eh!
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:39, archived)
Which regular are you again?

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:40, archived)
your mum

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:41, archived)
My mum's dead

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:42, archived)
she was a beautiful lady
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:44, archived)
Actually, she's quite alive
You're tedious.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:47, archived)
He's a lot better looking than you, anyway.

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:40, archived)
awww esme
I'm upset now

I value your opinion, you've been like a sister to me
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:43, archived)
Good, go cry in your room like a good girl.

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:45, archived)
nah esme
we don't all cut ourselves like you.

notice how little I am on here compared to you

ask yourself which one probably has a better life, regarding this.

sweetie, a little sunlight and so on might make you a teeny, tiny bit less repulsive, and maybe even less belligerent

or actually getting laid would probably help

peace out
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:46, archived)

we don't all cut ourselves like you.

notice how little I am on here compared to you

ask yourself which one probably has a better life, regarding this.

sweetie, a little sunlight and so on might make you a teeny, tiny bit less repulsive, and maybe even less belligerent

or actually getting laid would probably help

peace out

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:48, archived)
Learn to type without a million line breaks, you might seem less retarded.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:48, archived)
well while we're exchanging advice
go to bed, sleep, stop staying up all night typing insults to strangers

and touch yourself

get that frustration out.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:50, archived)
Yes, dear.

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:52, archived)
Didn't you start this off in the first place?
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:53, archived)
Yes, she did.
She's not very bright, though.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:54, archived)
It's starting to show.
Just repeating insults instead of creating interesting new ones.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:56, archived)
have a little read back
answer your own question there, okay little rainbow poppet.

you could then hold your head up high and say ''I have learned the skill of independence.

you could print yourself off a certificate.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:56, archived)
This is great.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:58, archived)
this is so getting gaz'd to mike

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 23:02, archived)
Aw hell yeah.
I forgot about that.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 23:03, archived)
nah, can't be arsed
Esme is a IRL friend, so automatically she is better than you.
The End.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:59, archived)
Also, we're getting dangerously close to accusations of cliquery here.

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:59, archived)
I love you. Please come back here soon.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:50, archived)
At least people don't confuse my gender.
And that's really all that's important in life.

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:46, archived)
now THAT was slick
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:47, archived)
I lied
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:48, archived)

ied ook like a greasy 70's drag queen.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:49, archived)
minues the pink hair
but hey, even with that look I still probably get more action than you

probably because the internet/angry conversations/being worshipped by fellow penises of the internet isn't the be all and end all of my life

and telling people your mother has passed away

christ, get a shrink
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:53, archived)
This is classic stuff.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:55, archived)
give up


(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:57, archived)

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 23:00, archived)
Could we continue this lively discussion a bit further up the board, please?
It's just that we are trying to have a game of bingo.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 23:02, archived)
You're still shitter than me
And I would seriously question the mental state of any man willing to put their LOLSAUSAGE in your mangina.
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 23:11, archived)
Ted, I'm hugely confused.

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:51, archived)
(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:48, archived)

(, Sat 30 May 2009, 22:31, archived)