Back in the day, I printed out a bunch of A4 "posters" at work.
They just had "Snape kills Dumbledore" on them, and left them face down in a few spots on my desk.
1) Nosey fucks turned them over.
2) Grown adults obsessing over childrens' books got upset.
The overlap between people that can't mind their own business, and infantile real-world obsessions, is quite large.
( , Fri 8 Nov 2024, 19:06, archived)
They just had "Snape kills Dumbledore" on them, and left them face down in a few spots on my desk.
1) Nosey fucks turned them over.
2) Grown adults obsessing over childrens' books got upset.
The overlap between people that can't mind their own business, and infantile real-world obsessions, is quite large.
( , Fri 8 Nov 2024, 19:06, archived)
just because i don't like it doesn't mean i have to be a cunt about it
( , Fri 8 Nov 2024, 19:11, archived)
( , Fri 8 Nov 2024, 19:11, archived)
They kept comparing every-fucking-thing to Potterland, even work stuff. Inserting it into every conversation they could. Keep in mind, these people were in their late 30s and 40s *back then*.
It worked. They stopped doing it.
( , Fri 8 Nov 2024, 19:12, archived)
They kept comparing every-fucking-thing to Potterland, even work stuff. Inserting it into every conversation they could. Keep in mind, these people were in their late 30s and 40s *back then*.
It worked. They stopped doing it.
( , Fri 8 Nov 2024, 19:12, archived)