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Mr. Sheep Fat Squelchy Goodness ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:41,
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that just reminded me
that I saw a squirrel get run over by a car last night in Wandsworth, made me very sad :(
@man move along, nothing to see here on ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:44,
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that is very sad indeed. (my grandad actually catches them and drowns them in his pond as he still thinks it's the war and that the local council will give him 5 shilling per tail! *fact!*)
MrHaze likes to poo ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:45,
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That's what he tells you. That's what so great about being old, you can get away with *anything*.
Baz Fuck off ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:46,
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Did they
do that? Are squirrels infact nazi, or quizlings?
Choice ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:46,
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yeah apparently
they used to pay out for squirrell tails as they used to eat the bulbs/seeds of crops planted for the war effort!
MrHaze likes to poo ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:49,
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It's actually illegal....
Not to kill a grey squirrel if you catch one, as they are classified as vermin. actually..... (but they don't pay you now..)
Troncmaster ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:53,
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Shillings eh? wonders if the little blighter is still there
@man move along, nothing to see here on ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:46,
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was in a car that appeared to run over a squirrel last night. having said that, we couldn't see it on the way back, so i'm trying to believe that it survived...
slight yoinks! ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:45,
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were you
in Wandsworth last night?
@man move along, nothing to see here on ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:50,
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just brilliant.
robh ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:45,
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poor thing
sniff, I know how she feels woo
sosumi ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:45,
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Unlucky in love?
Mr. Sheep Fat Squelchy Goodness ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:48,
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not when I wear that latex dress I borrowed from buttercup
sosumi ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:54,
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Something stirred then.
Mr. Sheep Fat Squelchy Goodness ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:56,
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don't hurt yourself edit: oh nice to see her out in the country, makes a nice change
sosumi ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 13:02,
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yay for latex clothing
@man move along, nothing to see here on ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:57,
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Hack Roger with a large meat cleaver.
Slim has found god. He was down the back of the sofa. ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:47,
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she looks very pised off
thediscokingpin ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:48,
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very nice
has virgin nicked your sponging bear for one of their adverts?
Dai_Marzipan Ain't no party like an S Club party ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:49,
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No idea... haven't seen the ad.
Mr. Sheep Fat Squelchy Goodness ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:56,
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you haven't been around for a while mr sheep, but your back with avenja.. aveng.. lovely animal pic! woo!
mnb098mnb used to be here ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:50,
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that is so
sweet. Poor love.
pep ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:50,
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aww very cute!
..if i was only single...
monkeymanblue mathematically safe ,
Thu 17 Apr 2003, 12:54,
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