One word: Pandas! Suggested by Bourbon Fox. Compo your entries and, by way of apology for this entire mess I'll buy the top rated and my favourite whatever they like off Amazon, up to £15 each.
Yay Pandas I'm thinking Zombie Pandas already - result!
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Thu 10 Nov 2011, 14:46,
why not have zombie protection as the alt challenge seeing as that was the most voted one?
(HappyToastGroat froth,
Thu 10 Nov 2011, 14:53,
Or better yet, have it as the ACTUAL challenge?
Why was the lizard one chosen anyway?
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Thu 10 Nov 2011, 14:55,
a mixture if Mu fucking about and Fraser having a flounce I think
(HappyToastGroat froth,
Thu 10 Nov 2011, 14:56,
Fucking hell, we're in a hung parliament here, people.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Thu 10 Nov 2011, 14:59,
Agreed although in fairness the revote was rigged
And Zombies should have won
I think the truth is out Fraser is a Zombie.
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience,
Thu 10 Nov 2011, 14:56,
Why not just leave the challenge as it is?
It's not the be all and end all, something unexpectedly good might come of it and I usually ignore it when it doesn't inspire me, I'm sure others will.