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well, if there's a dark side
one would presume that there's a bright side there too.
Mingus wonders where all the time went ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:31,
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There is never a bright side on this moon, on account of there being no star near it.
Detrius521 ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:32,
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I think you'll find the sun is pretty close to it.
Tart Monkey ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:34,
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Mingus wonders where all the time went ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:34,
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That's what the Americans WANT you to think!! (I'm not insane)
Detrius521 ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:35,
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i thought the americans wanted us to think
food is good, and so is war
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:36,
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Mingus wonders where all the time went ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:36,
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and handguns
rawr isn't really here. ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:37,
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Yeah, there is that....
But they also want you to think that George Bush is not a pineapple! (Can anyone with Photoshop do a "George Bush with a pineapple for a head" thing?) But the moon is not lit by the sun, but by a huge lamp in Roswell!!
Detrius521 ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:38,
archived )
If there's no bright side
then there's no dark side, it's just a dark moon. This lamp in roswell...what is the wattage of the bulb?
Roxy_Hart is so so old ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:43,
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That's Top Secret, so I don't know. But my sources tell me that it's not as big as you think.
Detrius521 ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:46,
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what next, george bushs face on a monkey???
eh? evening kiddies.
PMGT -Bacon. ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:43,
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that's funny because he looks like a monkey!
Reverend Dan ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:44,
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ha ha ha! yeah!
what next? tony blairs face on his dog???? geddouddahere you kerrrrrrasy kids... evening rev.
PMGT -Bacon. ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:45,
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what up
Reverend Dan ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:47,
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Mingus wonders where all the time went ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:36,
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||lll||ll||lll|| ||lll||ll||lll|| ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:37,
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I know who you are
you're jools holland.
Mingus wonders where all the time went ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:39,
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kill him!
Reverend Dan ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:40,
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news to me
Detrius521 ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:40,
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you were unaware of the sun.
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:41,
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but fair.
Mingus wonders where all the time went ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:42,
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I'm aware of the MYTH of the sun. But it's not real. (I'm going to have to keep this up ALL night aren't i?)
Detrius521 ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:44,
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Mingus wonders where all the time went ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:49,
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way hoe zay
||lll||ll||lll|| ||lll||ll||lll|| ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:47,
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the sun's fairly near
astrologically speaking
Sunshine Elephant ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:34,
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Mingus wonders where all the time went ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:35,
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apart from the sun?
would that be?
Mingus wonders where all the time went ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:34,
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there is one.
i can fucking see it. it appears approximatly every 2 seconds. you should have just done a black square.
dipdapdop ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:38,
archived )
Oh, sorry
but i wanted to muck around with the spray paint thing on paint.... you bad tempered cantankerous old git.
Detrius521 ,
Sun 31 Aug 2003, 22:42,
archived )
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