A suggestion...
...if anyone feels the need to give thanks after getting a frontpage, could we encourage them to add a reply to the thread rather than edit the post.
Or is it just me that thinks it looks a bit naff when you see lot's of 'Oh... thank you magic donkey' edits on the fp. Especially when the magic donkey doesn't even know the board exists.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 1:53,
Or is it just me that thinks it looks a bit naff when you see lot's of 'Oh... thank you magic donkey' edits on the fp. Especially when the magic donkey doesn't even know the board exists.
Duely noted
..but I'd have to get another front-page first, wouldn't I?
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 1:55,
I do this for fun, not glory.
The few of my pictures that have seen FP are (with one exception) totally not the ones I would have put there..!
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 1:57,
The few of my pictures that have seen FP are (with one exception) totally not the ones I would have put there..!
on the topic of suggestions,
I suggest making Kitty Meow Meow a mod, for all the late LATE night posts.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 1:55,
I second that!
..when I come in to work in the morning there's usually stuff on the FP from the night before, despite there being many lovely pictures posted in the wee hours.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 1:55,
there's enough mods,
between them they spazz back through the night, and pick up any deservers in the morning
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 1:56,
pep claims she does it whenever she remembers to
no doubt other mods will too, and kimbo's in a different time zone so is sometimes about
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 1:58,
so you
say but I shall be at a computer all day - don't you have an interview to go to? What's it for by the way?
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 12:18,
it's my first ever interview
and it's for a christmas job in woolworths. but our woolworths is all crowded and smells a bit, so i hope i get a job in marks and sparks instead.
out of interest, can you approve archived messages?
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 12:22,
out of interest, can you approve archived messages?
ok, just pondered.
when i get me credit cards in i'll probably donate a bit monthly for the site, any news on the new icon dates, or is all a bit hectic.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 12:26,
cool - that would be nice, thankyou.
No, not got round to the new icons yet. Also we used the best ones for the last batch!
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 12:31,
ooh nifty!
the hallow33n bash should be my first bash, which'll be nice, and quite odd meeting everyone. then supermoore's raising some money for the site hopefully with this football match too, which i foolishly put my name down for.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 12:33,
be nice to meet you after all this time. (I think ;)
Right - I actually have to do some work now, see you later.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 12:47,
Right - I actually have to do some work now, see you later.
or me...
...I'm not always posting, but I'm usually here until the dayshift kicks off.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 1:56,
Where do you live? Are you just up late in the States, or do you stay up all night in the UK?
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 2:02,
I live in Scotland...
...but I reserve the right to my own time zone.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 2:06,
you just want to see her
hair tied back holding a cane playing teacher don't you? ;)
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 1:57,
That was another one of those instances when fnords imagination
overruled his fingers, thus causing him to present whatever sordid images where in his mind at the time to the board instead of saying what he meant to say...
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 1:59,
if I had mny way i'd edit all those praises out as they only encourage more people to do it
and encourage people to try too hard to get there :)
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 1:55,
besides, frontpages are really pretty unimportant.
Challenge wins are more a measure of one's greatness ;)
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 1:58,
Challenge wins are more a measure of one's greatness ;)
...once you start meeting b3tans and getting to know them in real life, the whole message board seems that little bit less important.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 2:01,