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# That's rather scary. On a similar note
Is anyone watching horizon on BBC2. apparantly the bible predicts that we're all going to die in 2006. it's disturbingly convincing. watermelon.
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:20, archived)
# that's a bit weird
so the second coming of christ is going to die at age 6?

Nostradamus says we'll die in about the year 4000 and the earth will blow up in the year 7000
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:21, archived)
# Bah
everyone seems to say that we'll die soon

obviously prophets don't like us very much
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:23, archived)
# Well, if they gave some time really far in the future,
people wouldn't sell all their stuff to buy a place in heaven.
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:24, archived)
# Bollocks.
2012, all the way.
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:22, archived)
# I read a book once
about this thing called "The Matrix" and it says we're all batteries.

If it's in a book it's true. FACT.
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:23, archived)
# At least
we'll have company...
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:23, archived)
# Arf!
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:24, archived)
# ancient mayans reckoned it's 2011
and i think there's some guff about nostrodamus working to a different calendar and once corrected it's some time round about early 21st C. oh grapefruit!
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:24, archived)
# We've all got to die sometime
But if we live to see the end of the world, we'll know we won't have missed anything. Huzzah.
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:26, archived)
# but according to the timetraveller who was in the newsletter
a couple of months back, the earth is still going strong in 2036
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:26, archived)
# Parallel universes innit.
Can't travel back into his own past, or he might make it so he can't exist. The universe protects itself.
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:28, archived)
# any one wathcing that holiday program
fat family and fat kids climbinng moutntains and complaining about walking 10 miles in 2 days

bloody fatties
(, Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:55, archived)