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that doesn't have a floppy drive </pedantic> woo, though!
sprinkles ITS AN ISLAND, morron ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:17,
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yes it does... doesn't it?
I'm pretty sure I can see a 5 1/4" floppy drive there... they didn't have cds in those days don't you know!
slight yoinks! ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:19,
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that's no 5 1/4" drive
it's got a 3.5" floppy drive.... but it's no apple.... that's an IBM
rawr isn't really here. ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:26,
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oh dear
what a boring day
King_Weird ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:19,
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unless it's been changed there's one on the front, but it does look more like an old IBM PS2 than an old Mac...
spudmonkey Now MrPineapple can sex me from behind. Don't ask! ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:19,
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Yes it does.
Mr Gear the gay-maker ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:19,
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stup0t ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:19,
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er. yes it does.
Prof. Slocombe ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:20,
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Er... the slit thingie, on the box? Is that not a floppy? Then again, I fink it looks like an Acorn ;-)
entomologist ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:20,
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Its an IBM
PS2 infact, famous for its MCA Micro Channel Architecture. Sad cunt aint i?
Decimal Goatsecreature ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:31,
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(to the 2nd bit)
Mr. Partyhat ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:34,
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my pedantism didn't work, because I said drive instead of disc - I meant it has no disc
sprinkles ITS AN ISLAND, morron ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:24,
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sure you frigging did
stop being pedantic
Delete Me ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:36,
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more pedant
that is an IBM PS/2 jobbie. and I thought the floppy on it was a 3 1/4 inch one
tobypowell Ptarmigan! ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:35,
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ye sit does
must be before your time - i can see a 5 1/4" drive in the front
WhoElse I'm what Willis was talking about ,
Tue 27 Apr 2004, 16:39,
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