if you're bored while you're out shopping, go into pc world and ask what the difference is between a pc and a mac...hilarity ensues
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 2:03,

I'm always looking for new ways to be entertained when I'm let loose in public. A personal favourite is to just get a mate to stand with you on a busy street pointing upwards, shielding your eyes from the sun and looking concerned about nothing in particular to see how many people will join in. If you can slip away and watch everyone from a distance you get bonus points.
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 2:09,

get extra bonus points if you go back to the crowd and ask what it is they're looking at
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 2:16,

You are definately on to something there.
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 2:21,

How do you fit all the needed components on that little thing to make it do what it is suposed to do? It must be a fake!
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 2:04,

just not very scalable. it's got more room for components than a lot of laptops. but, like a laptop, it's not got much scalability. plus, like most macs, they have a problem with internal cooling/ventilation, which in turn can frell up a lot of other stuff. however, macs are all right, in my book. i use both pc's and macs, home and at work.
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 2:59,