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[challenge entry] Again with the crack pipe, Wolfgang!

Number 3 in an increasingly obscure series.

From the When the laws of physics pack up challenge. See all 348 entries (closed)

(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:44, archived)
# Can i just take a moment to point this out?

It's real. I've seen it. On sale.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:46, archived)
# So have I
And they make glasses as well.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:47, archived)
# Burberry perfume
has been out for the best part of 5 years, surely?

There's a new one of that range out anyhow.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:47, archived)
# yep
I wear it..it's quite nice,so I'm told. Don't think chavs wear it because you can't see the pattern (it being clear aftershave) plus the box is a diffent burb pattern.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 15:14, archived)
# Dammit!
Now they can assault all (well, most) of my senses with their infernal tastes in fashion...
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:47, archived)
# Got given it by my chav brother for christmas
Its really not bad......

(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:51, archived)
Why? Why?
Why Burberry?
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:53, archived)
# he only sees me 2ce a year
and does not know i'm a big bouncy poof with a bouncy belly

it smells rather fruity. Like me on a friday night
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:56, archived)
# The point is
Burberry was actually quite a nice brand and not at all tacky until those bloody Chavs took over and swamped the market with their cheap "down the market" rip offs.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:57, archived)
# down t' maaaaaarket?
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 15:00, archived)
# Aye!
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 15:02, archived)
# Woo..I like this series,
and so does he

(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:46, archived)
# That's
Quite funny ...
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 15:07, archived)
# It's
a very nice place you have here, Mister Spiggott.

A hypothesis: it may be possible to distinguish physicists from astrophysicists at a distance by virtue of the fact that physicists smoke pipes while astrophysicists have those weird goatees without moustaches.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:48, archived)
# did marie curie smoke a pipe?
(I'm pretty sure she didn't have a goatee)
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:52, archived)
# Well
there goes my chance at the Nobel Prize For Barely-Formed Notions About Pipes And Beards.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:54, archived)
# As it happens, I am an astrophysicist
and so is my wife. We do both enjoy the possibilities offered by an innovative approach to facial hair.

I did lose the use of my moustache in a diving mishap aboard the wreck of the Rosalie Muller, but have since made a full recovery. I have also smoked a pipe on occasion, but not underwater.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:58, archived)
# Excellent
new data to further refine the hypothesis.
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 15:03, archived)
# I only laughed at that one on principle...
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:51, archived)
# haHA
(, Fri 18 Jun 2004, 14:54, archived)