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at that link. never seen it before. why do you put spazz in the link?
dex ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 10:29,
archived )
Spaz is another term for re-post.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 10:33,
archived )
Aye - 'tis from
a few weeks back - I only post images in the evening due to limited resources.
helmetcream ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 10:38,
archived )
Its woo.
I was just explaining the baffling term to Dex. He has much to learn. /yoda
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 10:45,
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much to learn!
he's got two pictures on the front page!
rogan ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 10:48,
archived )
Has he?
In that case why is he asking stupid questions. I've forgotten what the front page looks like.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 10:53,
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I've had loads of them!
Well, maybe not :o)
helmetcream ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 11:04,
archived )
I had one
once... in a distant hazy past....
mnb098mnb used to be here ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 11:10,
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probably because
it was a repost and other people on here have seen it already. That's usually what that means. (Tis hard tho - you can't be here all the time to see all things, if you get what I mean :)
pep ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 10:33,
archived )
i now know what spazz means. but i dont think this is a repost. took me ages this morning to make that pic. Worth it though as its made front page. I have 2 there right now.
dex ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 10:45,
archived )
Not yours,
Craymen ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 10:50,
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no no no
Fuzzbucket means that HIS pic is a spazz, not yours. Yours is lovely and original.
Dr Phil Kitten ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 10:51,
archived )
So's mine, right! ;oP
helmetcream ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 11:07,
archived )
it was
the first time you posted it. ;)
Dr Phil Kitten ,
Wed 25 Sep 2002, 11:19,
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