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# The good thing is
it leaves it clear for Hilary Clinton to stand for the 2008 elections. The chance of having the first female president must be a vote winner. Though maybe the Republicans would put up Condoleeza Rice against her: the first female AND black president.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:14, archived)
# quick!
saw one of Hilary's legs off!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:15, archived)
# arf!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 14:44, archived)
# what about a disabled
black lesbian woman?
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:16, archived)
# I think you're misjudging
The popularity of the gay and lesbian vote in the US.
11 States ban gay marriages
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:21, archived)
# With a lisp and a hump?
And no front teeth either!
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:22, archived)
# How about
A fat dsylexic disabled black lesbian vegan illegal immigrant zoroastrianist woman.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 17:47, archived)
# And Condoleeeeza is
waaaay fucking scarier than Bush.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:20, archived)
# fuck her
and her silver bullets

(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:22, archived)
# i've always said
condoleeza rice is chump manbear when the moon isn't out.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:29, archived)