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[challenge entry] I always wondered about this apparent contradiction...

From the Goggles of Truth challenge. See all 191 entries (closed)

(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:36, archived)
# Yeah, but no, but yeah...
Plastic isn't the same as meat is it?

Oil is made from stuff that died thousends of years ago, and has just become a chemical.

It's hindus that buy cars with leather seats that I don't understand. But then I'm not going to pretend to know enough about that religion to pass judgement. I'm going to stop typing now.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:38, archived)
# Tescos value meat products - I rest my case
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:39, archived)
# Damn, you got there first.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:40, archived)
# I just wondered how long
an animal has to be dead before vegans are allowed to use them. Is there a statute of limitations?
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:41, archived)
# I thought oil was trees.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:42, archived)
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:43, archived)
# Both, I think.
Having looked it up. Though I guess it's far from certain, seeing as homogenous black goop is difficult to reconstruct plants or animals from.
It's a good point, though. The oxygen in the atmosphere was originally an animal product, wasn't it?
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:43, archived)
# You learn something every day...

"Crude oil was made over millions of years from tiny plants and animals, called plankton."

From : www.schoolscience.co.uk/content/4/chemistry/petroleum/knowl/4/2index.htm?origin.html
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:46, archived)
# There you go.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:48, archived)
# Yes, but that's a schools site.
If they don't know the answer to a question they just make it up in order to maintain a facade of authority.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:49, archived)
# I dunno. This is a valid point.
But coal is made from dead trees, and oil is dead plankton. Isn't it?
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:42, archived)
# Yeah and don't Vegans all have pointy ears
and have incredible logic and say "Live long and Prosper" a lot?
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:38, archived)
# no, that`s Nimoys
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:43, archived)
# except it's not
because proper vegans don't.

Is that a boy or a girl?
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:39, archived)
# Does it matter you're
obviously excited by either prospect.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:40, archived)
# here
you dropped this "?"
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:42, archived)
# a question mark? why?
I had dropped an "s" which I have edited, but why a question mark???????????
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:46, archived)
# "Does it matter?"
it's a question
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:52, archived)
# and "Obviously"
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:52, archived)
# 'Does it matter?'
is a question, therefore it needs a question mark.

(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:52, archived)
# More of a statement than a question
But I suppose symantically you're both correct and therefore totally miss the comedic value of my reply =P
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:58, archived)
# A girl I think.
Random Google image.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:41, archived)
# In order to be a proper vegan
I think one would have to wrap oneself in banana leaves, wear birch-bark sandles, eat coconuts and live in the jungle.

Actually kinda sounds fun.

(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:45, archived)
# and drink
cider/beer/wine (probably from a cowhorn goblet or summat)?
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:42, archived)
# Fucking hippies.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:43, archived)
# Excellent!
Still, I'd rather coal to nuclear...
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:46, archived)
# And cameras
Film emulsion is gelatine based.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:48, archived)
# I don't think there's any meat
in digital cameras though, so they might be ok.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:50, archived)
# the screens of digital cameras
are made of fluffy spring lambs.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 10:58, archived)
# It's also surprising how many vegetarians eat jellybeans...
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 11:02, archived)
# Yeah
All those poor jellies and the inhumane way they're farmed purely for their 'beans'. They throw the rest of them away you know, utter waste.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 11:06, archived)
# hmm
i think gronkpan is refering to the fact that jellybeans contain gelatine. I, as a veggie, won't eat such things.
(, Mon 7 Feb 2005, 11:45, archived)
# Jelly Belly ones don't
and they're also fucking yummy. Woo!
(, Fri 11 Feb 2005, 9:10, archived)