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Tired of doing badly at school ?
Try a Swot Noodle, full of swotty spicy brained goodness !
Darryn.R ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 10:22,
archived )
is hideous. Lovley
thediscokingpin ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 10:24,
archived )
That is messing with my head..
..too much for a Thursday! W/Y/H it is very good
sick_boy ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 10:25,
archived )
^what he said
/head goes all swimmy
aaarrgghh...wasps! !spsaw...hhggrraaa ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 10:27,
archived )
how I'm looking forward to lunch now. Woo though, woo to the MAX!!
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 10:26,
archived )
v. good you spoon!!
mnb098mnb used to be here ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 10:31,
archived )
Red X
Trouble is, Darryn me old mate - I can't see anything hosted on the TMO domain. But I trust you that it's groovy, so have one of these:
Doctor When May your wife shat and chipper ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 10:31,
archived )
are you
related to them?
crouchingbadger ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 10:34,
archived )
How did you manage to get TMO blocked out so fully ?On a chat note: TMO will be moving soon to a new domain with a greater data transfer limit, so you won't be locked out by work for long
Darryn.R ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 10:34,
archived )
Woo yay.
I guess the firewall simply stops anything from that IP, or something equally techie sounding. Hurry and change soon - I just hope that it's the IP and not the domain name that's Gestapo'd!
Doctor When May your wife shat and chipper ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 10:36,
archived )
waspfactorytastic! woo!
brainstuff can eat a whole shredded wheat ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 10:46,
archived )
I love
the look of pure joy on her face!
JimBobbins ,
Thu 24 Oct 2002, 14:33,
archived )
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