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# Fair point,
although I think that I only have one (that one) that really features boobies properly...although I could be wrong.
I'll go and check...
Edit: Actually, thats the only one (apart from the Cracking Knockers one, which isn't a wooyay).
The Susan Sarandon one doesn't count becasue I didn't pick for the boobies, I just thought the poses would make a good Woo.
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 10:58, archived)
# hum.
Maybe there's just a proliferation of boobies at the moment anyway. Or maybe I'm making it all up.

I'm not anti-boobie, you know, I just fear it's pretty dull for us girls if these "I would" and "ooh look tits" posts crop up too often. And do I think having girls on b3ta is a good thing.

Sorry Bovine, I apologise unreservedly for my mistake. Although I still don't like that one up there for some reason. :)
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:07, archived)
# I think the cupping at the end
may be a little unnecessary...

And what movies are you importing frame by frame Mr Bovine? Tsk!
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:10, archived)
# Usually
its clips from B movies, I found that one elsewhere, my girlfriend uses my pooter so I don't have pr0n on it, but that clip is very near the mark.
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:17, archived)
# Hee hee
lucky she had those signs taped over her nips, to save your blushes ;-)
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:18, archived)
# Hmmm
yes, that was lucky wasn't it.
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:25, archived)
# Quick
someone find her the winkywoo!
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:12, archived)
# No need to apologise mate,
I just found that clip 'ahem' and I thought it would make a good Wooyay, it is the 'rudest' one I've done so far.
The problem is it is a male dominated board, but I would like to see a lot more F3males in the board...not just so I can get topless pics for the calendar.
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:14, archived)
# I think girls get put off by the topless pics!
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:17, archived)
# :)
I'm dropping out of this discussion now... I feel I've stated my case.
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:19, archived)
# Point taken,
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:21, archived)
# *HUG*
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:26, archived)
# just my tuppence
i'm not bothered about general breastidgeness, i was brought here by Vulga who cant even talk to me without speaking to mine so i knew what to expect here...
My issue is i can look at tits all bloody day online if i wanted to, but photoshopped kittens are still a wonderment to behold and what makes b3ta a site of greatness :)
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:32, archived)
# me too
im always surprised at the amount of women on the board generally. i think the whole internet is shifting in that direction. which is great.

perhaps we'll finally see more naked men pictures! ;)
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:22, archived)
# oh christ no
arrrgh lol
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:27, archived)
# Thats why I'm
going to take the calendar soon,its run its course and I don't want to cause offense or anything.
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:23, archived)
# well... it's what
the queen mum would have wanted.
bless her heart
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:29, archived)
# More Fannies Needed
If you ask me - which you wouldn't but if you did that would be my answer with very little hesitation.
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:16, archived)
# Boobs
work cos they are aesthetically pleasing regardless of any sexual feeling.
workboresme is the uncrowned champion of 'I would-ness' is she not?

/runs from DPK
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:17, archived)
# as lovely as she is,
I wouldn't. I am a straight girl you see. As are the other straight girls that post on here, who doubtless wouldn't either.
(, Tue 26 Nov 2002, 11:19, archived)