because we are english, and we invented the words.
so we KNOW what the words mean...
its just those others who change things...
like hood instead of bonnet....
or chips instead of crisps....
(carry on ad infinitum........)
( ,
Mon 17 Oct 2005, 12:21,
its just those others who change things...
like hood instead of bonnet....
or chips instead of crisps....
(carry on ad infinitum........)
you are incorrect, sir.
One, you're assumign that american adendums to english words holdfor all english speakers. Pants has held it's original meaning in all english speaking communities, bar the UK.
Two, English is a modern language, and anglosaxon derivative, SAE, with letter sadded like DNA from all the cross-pollenation of invasions and counterinvasions to France. The French oocupation of parts off England added new letters to the anglosaxon form (Q, K), and much of the word forms in english are derivative from european words. Oddly, in Irish, many peoplassuming words ar eanglicised whn in fact the opposite holds; Carr, meaning 'Car' in the modern sense originally meant 'Cart', and english took the meaning on board along with many older celtic words, as the anglo saxon settlers took celtic land. The origins of enlgish are as much a give and take with surrounding language forms as anything, assuming primacy based on speaker-count is a fallacy
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Mon 17 Oct 2005, 12:29,
Two, English is a modern language, and anglosaxon derivative, SAE, with letter sadded like DNA from all the cross-pollenation of invasions and counterinvasions to France. The French oocupation of parts off England added new letters to the anglosaxon form (Q, K), and much of the word forms in english are derivative from european words. Oddly, in Irish, many peoplassuming words ar eanglicised whn in fact the opposite holds; Carr, meaning 'Car' in the modern sense originally meant 'Cart', and english took the meaning on board along with many older celtic words, as the anglo saxon settlers took celtic land. The origins of enlgish are as much a give and take with surrounding language forms as anything, assuming primacy based on speaker-count is a fallacy
10 Print statement
20 if Counterpoint /= WhatIWantToHear goto 10
( ,
Mon 17 Oct 2005, 12:34,
20 if Counterpoint /= WhatIWantToHear goto 10
did you type all of that very quickly?
the spelling and grammar is awful!
confused would we?
( ,
Mon 17 Oct 2005, 12:37,
confused would we?
failing at multitasking bigtime
mean to edit, but you know, it's the web, on a messageboard, floating into some archived past. would you go back and fix it?
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Mon 17 Oct 2005, 12:40,
mean to edit, but you know, it's the web, on a messageboard, floating into some archived past. would you go back and fix it?
can you honestly say
that every word in the english language was "inventented" by the english?
It's a wildly simplistic and inaccurate understanding of language. Most languages are just rarified amalgamations of the languages that surround and precede them. It would be arrogant to think otherwise - a cultural imperialism.
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Mon 17 Oct 2005, 12:52,
It's a wildly simplistic and inaccurate understanding of language. Most languages are just rarified amalgamations of the languages that surround and precede them. It would be arrogant to think otherwise - a cultural imperialism.
English didn't invent all the words they use, no-one's claiming that, but all of the influences you're talking about come from before the language was taken to America, rendering that huge post a bit pointless really.
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Mon 17 Oct 2005, 13:10,