can anyone point me in general direction of vector drawing tutorial please help i is clueless.. i wanna do a photo realistic image of my ugly mug
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:34,

the magic of that pic, you do realise that the duck will never ever get to that slice of bread and all you are doing is forever mocking it.
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:40,

you shopped out that massive swarm of identical ducks from the picture.
Go on, post the original.
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:43,
Go on, post the original.

*doesn't admit to kinda stalking a little already*
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 23:22,

is this the good kind of stalking where we conversate on b3ta or is it the sitting-outside-my-window-with-a-camera kind of stalking?
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 23:24,

It rarely enters 'real' life
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 23:28,

*sits on pedestal in "the thinker" position, gazes at sky and absentmindedly flexes muscles*
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 23:32,

probably best not to start a new thread for this though
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:39,
probably best not to start a new thread for this though

makes me want to punch you in the face until you die... and then keep punching until all that's left is some form of paste
this clearly won't happen, but i'm imagining it and wanking
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:39,
this clearly won't happen, but i'm imagining it and wanking

probably somewhere
(Jesus, my grammer sucks tonight)

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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:58,

the children would be too pretty for this world
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:44,

is your middle name arse..if not it should be
all i am after is some help u bitter person
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:43,
all i am after is some help u bitter person

lemony... bitter... lemony... bitter
god i hope that was on purpose
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:47,
god i hope that was on purpose

a book on the basic use of English would be a good place to start.
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:44,

is some help about how to be less shit.
Do you know why?
Because you're shit.
Do you know how I know you're shit?
It's because you look, smell and act like a shit.
You are a weebloating badgerminge, and you can't spell, because your fingers are made of gay.
And if you're talking to Lemony, why reply to my post?
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:45,
Do you know why?
Because you're shit.
Do you know how I know you're shit?
It's because you look, smell and act like a shit.
You are a weebloating badgerminge, and you can't spell, because your fingers are made of gay.
And if you're talking to Lemony, why reply to my post?

with magical useage of words and my new favorite phrase: "Your fingers are made of gay".
You Miss, are a genius... :)
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:48,
You Miss, are a genius... :)

and tell him what a no talent cunt he is. I expect he won't wish to help you though.
It would help to know what software you own but let our own Strawberry Dragon point you in the right direction.
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:43,
It would help to know what software you own but let our own Strawberry Dragon point you in the right direction.

I am much more useful than the Julian Opie!
Shame I've not worked out how to make a career out of two minute vector drawings yet though :/
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:51,
Shame I've not worked out how to make a career out of two minute vector drawings yet though :/

I'm currently working on redoing those, and adding some knew ones on using photoshop to make cartoons.
By "currently working on" I mean "thinking about doing at some pointwhen I can be arsed".
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:54,
By "currently working on" I mean "thinking about doing at some pointwhen I can be arsed".

about being a dufus
da de dada da dade dade dade, da
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Fri 16 Dec 2005, 22:43,
da de dada da dade dade dade, da