(Ptolemythe man with the silent pea,
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 20:31,
and because they do enjoy a good money wasting exercies. *coumilleniumdomegh*
(Arathkoneformerly naD. Been away awhile.,
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 20:31,
because us Jocks didn't do the job properly in 1977 :-)
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 20:32,
It got wet.
(monkdagolabut how do you TURN a phrase?,
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 20:35,
Bloody hell.
did you ever go? The place was a frigging toilet. It was a crumbling , decrepit disgrace. I agree with them pulling it down before it fell down, but wasting millions on another? Another political white elephant. grrr
(Zoot Cadillac .do androids dream of electric sheep?,
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 20:45,
The olympics could have been great for Britain. But now all that will happens is that they are going to ruin the lea valley, evict viable businesses and all that will be useable afterwards is a running track. All paid for by taxes. I really should leave this dump.
And on that bombshell, the new Green Wing is on.
(Zoot Cadillac .do androids dream of electric sheep?,
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 21:01,
Yo, yo
You suck boe's, along with hoe's. You're so gay, that, you, don't know what to say.
Haha nice pic!
(monkdagolabut how do you TURN a phrase?,
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 20:31,
One day
teh stadium will be finished
(Puromycinis still licking windows,
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 20:39,
Can We Fix It?
well, yeah. But it may take some time and almost certainly go over budget....
(M3Essentialand The Essentials. LIVE!,
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 20:40,
They better fix it,
they fucking broke it.
(monkdagolabut how do you TURN a phrase?,
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 20:44,
nah guv
there was a half finished stadium here when we arrived, we're just here to move that mound of earth around for 3 years and then sod off.
(Arathkoneformerly naD. Been away awhile.,
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 20:49,
Corse Bruv.
(monkdagolabut how do you TURN a phrase?,
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 20:52,
(Naive AmoebaBored Cig,
Fri 31 Mar 2006, 20:44,