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lets face it. charles clarke is offensive to look at. lets make him a little cuter. i'll pay for the surgery
i await word from your agent, mr clarke, i know we can work together.
monstrinho do biscoito teeeshurts = www.nogunarmy.com ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:35,
archived )
best picture ever
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:35,
archived )
How does he smell?
Matazone has new icons, but is keeping this one ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:36,
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in dorset?
monstrinho do biscoito teeeshurts = www.nogunarmy.com ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:37,
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is it just me or does it also look a bit like
paul daniels?
TBL I posted this on ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:37,
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that might be because both of them have heads wider than they are tall
as proved once by Vic Reeves on 'shooting stars'
monstrinho do biscoito teeeshurts = www.nogunarmy.com ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:43,
archived )
I can see another headline.....
*ET shagged clarke! - paul daniels named as lovechild* its in the sun so it must be true....
TBL I posted this on ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:47,
archived )
haahaha brill' :)
prodigy69 broke b3ta and made everyone leave ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:37,
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Mousing ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:39,
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Top shoppage.
Butters and his titanium codsocket ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:39,
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chanceypants wakka chakka whaaawo ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:40,
archived )
what about it?
/not agressive, but can't see what point you are making
monstrinho do biscoito teeeshurts = www.nogunarmy.com ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:45,
archived )
do you mean this?
drunkenoaf ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:58,
archived )
that's really good!
drunkenoaf ,
Sun 28 May 2006, 14:41,
archived )
more lovelier!
geetoo ,
Mon 29 May 2006, 16:57,
archived )
Haha nice one!
"It's a trap!"
Dooley ,
Mon 29 May 2006, 17:52,
archived )
kinda cute!
Astrid ,
Wed 31 May 2006, 15:33,
archived )
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