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# I have no fecking idea why..

But I had to get it out of my mind.

edit: Clicky for marginally bigga
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:14, archived)
# that's fucking
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:16, archived)
# that's
some cookcoo
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:19, archived)
# So much so, that it's a magpie
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:21, archived)
# sorry
but is it just that it's the popes hat (the name for which i can't remember? mitre?)is like a beak? - i am lost...

by the way - apostrophe and spelling police fuck off.. it's after midnight and i have had a spliff
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:23, archived)
# yep, a mitre
and that's it.
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:26, archived)
# feck and goddamn!
i wish i had less words in my head sometimes- i blame the crosswords... : )
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:27, archived)
# mmmm
which ones do you do? i attempt the observer one sometimes, i think getting five answers is about my record
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:30, archived)
# crosswords?
like "tosspot" and "fucknut" ?
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:32, archived)
# cuntybubble
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:32, archived)
# cock cock cock cock cock cock
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:34, archived)
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:37, archived)
# arsebiscuits pissflaps cuntymints gism
i could do this all night... :)
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:39, archived)
# I still like
otter felcher


dog wanker.

But maybe that's just me. oh, wait
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:40, archived)
# hahahahahahahah
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:41, archived)
was in a post on here the other night , top word !
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:44, archived)
# jesus fuck a horse
you're not wrong

/self promotiuon
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:47, archived)
# so
that was you ?
Hurrah !!....top work that man !
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:57, archived)
# 'ello Mr.Spoon.
half a bottle to go then I'm awf I think....the hummus has deserted me tonite.
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:47, archived)
# half a bottle of what though ;)
hummus is a fickle beast, relax and enjoy the efforts of others
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:53, archived)
# that's what I'm doing.....
2 shopped pictures of hugo (one old, one new) doth not good hummus make. Said bottle contains some of the cheapest bordeaux red wine known to world+dog, but it's not half bad.
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 1:05, archived)
# guardian quickie
T2 intermittently... and when i can the Irish Times Simplex....

i love it really :)
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:33, archived)
# Impressive!
I went to a catholic school until I was 10 and I can hardly remember any of that stuff.
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:30, archived)
# get me
with an A* in gcse re
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:35, archived)
# Bit more recent then!
probably about a tenth of the time.
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:40, archived)
# i have to admit
to thinking it was a bishops hat... i thought the pope might have his own special name for his : )

not got an A level in anything but a masters degree from the university of life :)
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:38, archived)
# oi, jus waatch the feckin' laaangwidge mish

Edit: pass the spliff then, hogger
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:26, archived)
# i think by pre-empting my misuse
i can be let off due to diminished resposiblity - as i said.. "fuck off" : )
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:29, archived)
# We spend our lives
staring at computer screens... most of us have forgotten fresh air, sunlight, birds, and, err, umm... other stuff
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:24, archived)
# but not alcohol!
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:28, archived)
# sorry
i've just realised how much that makes me seem like an alcoholic.

i'm not really, honest!
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:28, archived)
# no, we can get
that delivered by tesco.com
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:29, archived)
# alright for some..
tesco won't deliver to me.

edit i just checked, and it seems they do. yay :)

hey, anyone here remember in60.com? that was great...
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:30, archived)
# they's rushour, now
same people, same yellow vans, except now it's only telephone ordering. you can still get bulk orders of booze after the offies close though, i am told
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:34, archived)
# oooh
do they still do it in glasgow?

i thought i saw something like that last time i was through in edinburgh but didn't have time to stop and examine it closely...
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:36, archived)
# out of context
that sounds well rude...
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:41, archived)
# well
you know what they're like in edinburgh...
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:42, archived)
# i had to zoom in to see it
but that's great!
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:18, archived)
# i love
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:19, archived)
# wow,
thats brilliant, woo and yay!!
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:20, archived)
# wooooooooo!
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:21, archived)
# ace
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:21, archived)
# I spent about three minutes
thinking "what about it?" until I noticed the pope. Nicely done!
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:21, archived)
# ooops
i'm glad you pointed that out, i'm having alittle difficulty focusinf at the moment
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:29, archived)
# reallt?
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:32, archived)
# arr piss orf :)
did you get cough m3ss3ng3r cough worked out?
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:34, archived)
# Yes
More or less. See you there in a minute perhaps.
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:41, archived)
# Good work
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:21, archived)
# Heh heh.
Pope-tastic. John Paul II - Comedy Genius.
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:24, archived)
# Absolute Spitzenklasse!
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 0:44, archived)
# The magpie
That's class!
(, Fri 27 Dec 2002, 11:47, archived)